Now I know that there's a lot of paranormal groups out there that believe in orbs. However, being in contact with several professional groups that specialize in photography, I have a different view. This blog is not meant to deter people from orbs being a spiritual being floating in a ball of energy, just to inform a huge difference between specs of dust, and orbs. I can honestly say that I have yet to see a photograph of what most would consider an "Orb" Not saying that they don't exist, but the odds of catching a ball of energy floating across your camera are slim to none. My personal favorite is when people take a picture, and because there is something that is glowing, automatically classify it as an orb. Now a true orb would not reflect the light. A true orb should be emitting its own light, something like a light bulb. There will be pictures to be posted on our website that will help you distinguish the difference between an orb, and a spec of dust. For the most part, any picture that a group would take, would be a spec of dust. There are millions and millions of dust particles floating around you every day, in every space. So just be cautious when trying to determine an orb from a spec of dust. Just keep in mind... there are people who will NEVER see a glowing spot of a picture, or video, as an orb. I am one of those people. If you believe in orbs, then I will never try to tell you otherwise. And don't let anyone else try to tell you either.
November 26th, 2024 10:28 a.m. CST 24.11.01