Currently Unknown
Information will be added once we're aware of the 2025 date & times.
Remember to turn your porch lights on if you're handing out candy & treats.
Follow these trick-or-treat safety tips for a safe and Happy Halloween!
Dress in your Halloween best to Trick or Treat in downtown West Bend.
Bring the family Downtown for a FREE night of fun, games and costumes.
Dress in your Halloween best to Trick or Treat in downtown West Bend. Look for the pumpkin in the window for participating businesses.
Activities for the whole family to enjoy!
Little ghosts and goblins take over West Bend in this annual spooky tradition! Dress in your Halloween best and trick or treat downtown. There will be lots of spooktacular activities for the whole family to enjoy, including live music, balloon artists and pumpkin bowling. Roll a hand size pumpkin, knock down pins and win prizes! Look for the pumpkin in the window to find participating businesses. The event takes place from 5-7pm on Oct. 8.
Dress in your Halloween best and trick or treat downtown. Look for the pumpkin in the window for participating businesses. There will be lots of spectacular activities for the whole family to enjoy including face painting and balloon art. New this year pumpkin bowling! Roll a small pumpkin, knock down pins and win prizes!
Find more family friendly events in our event directory.
January 21st, 2025 11:41 p.m. CST 24.11.01