Currently Unknown
Information will be added once we're aware of the 2025 date & times.
Remember to turn your porch lights on if you're handing out candy & treats.
Follow these trick-or-treat safety tips for a safe and Happy Halloween!
Calling all ghouls & goblins, witches & wizards and spooky creatures! Join us for some trick-or-treating in Downtown Oshkosh during the Oshkosh Farmers Market. Dress your best and get some yummy treats!
Participating businesses and vendors will have trick-or-treat signs if they are a designated stop.
Calling all ghosts, goblins & ghouls! Head to the Oshkosh Farmers Market on October 29th for tons of treats and fun! Vendors and participating downtown businesses will be handing out candy and treats during the market from 10am-12pm.
***Only individually wrapped, commercially made candy or treats are permitted for the event. Not all businesses and vendors will participate; however, participating vendors and downtown businesses will each have a sign to indicate they are a participating vendor or business.
Calling all ghosts, goblins & ghouls! Head to the Oshkosh Farmers Market on October 30th for tons of treats and fun! Vendors and participating downtown businesses will be handing out candy and treats during the market from 10am-12pm.
Put on your favorite costume and enjoy trick-or-treating in downtown Oshkosh.
Enjoy trick or treating store to store in our safe and friendly Downtown (no games or activities will be in Opera House Square this year). This event is rain or shine. There is no rain date. Camera Casino will be taking 5x7 pictures free of charge (1 per group; weather permitting)
Find more family friendly events in our event directory.
January 19th, 2025 1:21 a.m. CST 24.11.01