2006 The Dark Side Haunted Adventure Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

The Dark Side Haunted Adventure

by lysergicerberus after attending on Friday, October 27, 2006 at about 3:45 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Ok, I'm not gonna lie. This event is hard to find with all the long dark roads and construction. If you have GPS, use it!!! Once you actually find the right road, there are signs pointing you in the right direction. Just beware of rough and narrow roads.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Partially outdoors and covered. Snacks and farm animals are part of the wait area.

Most Unique

The event is long and covers multiple venues. You have a house, a tent, a hayride, a cornmaze and a woods walk. Very cool. The mine and the backlog story of the event is very unique and well done.

Actors' Performance

The actors are super. If they don't get you the first time, they'll track you down and get you the next time. I gotta hand it to them, they're out there in the dark,mud and cold and still give everything they have when you cross their path.

Appropriate For



Dress warm and sit on the outside seats of the hayride. Be prepared for intense scares on the ride. They attack all of your senses. Just be sure to give yourself time to find this event!

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

The Dark Side Haunted Adventure

by billy after attending on Sunday, October 29, 2006 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Signage was good, however County Road O was closed and all street signs were down. We just followed the road until we saw the glacier rock farms sign and from there it was easily found. Hoard Road itself is spooky in a rural deserted kind of way, threre is a wooden bridge on the road which you cross that adds a nice 'deserted old farm' touch.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The waiting area was heated with food/drink. There were also kittens and puppies running around which keeps you busy if you like cats or dogs.

Most Unique

The most unique thing about the trip was the haunted coal mine at the begining. I do not recomend it for closter phobic people however, as there are tight dark spaces with seemingly no where to go. If you are closter phobic, you can easily walk around the mine if you ask the instrucor.

Actors' Performance

The actors performance was average - below average, but since we were there on the last night and the last ride, I can understand if they're worn out and tired.

Appropriate For

Hayride & Cornmaze: Yes; Haunted Coal Mine: 10+


The Glacider Rock Farms trip was fun, however I would recomend going eariler in the season next year.

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

The Dark Side Haunted Adventure

by postal1969 after attending on Sunday, October 29, 2006 at about 1:45 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

Directions to place were very good from site,but if you are going to have a major road closed needs to be known. That being said sign was well lit to let you know where it was.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Nice big area with snacks , soda and hot cocoa how can yougo wrong. Many outside port a pottys is a plus and the cats and dogs roaming around help entertain kids. They had heaters, but not sure if they were on.

Most Unique

The mine shaft was well done, and seems to get better every year. The lady by the fire where you start walking to finish was great. Her energy alone made it fun.I loved the accent and the wait for screams all probably the best part.

Actors' Performance

Actors were good. I will always say they could have been better, cause I want to be scared and they did their best. They tried very hard. One thing is they broke chracter too much. That is my biggest pet peeve, but that is just me.

Appropriate For

8 and up


This place has changed in the last 3 years all for the better. I hope they continue to do so in the future. The mine has improved so much, the hayride itself has changed not for the good but is still fun, and the walking trail at the end is great. Kepp it going!!!!!!!!!!!

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

The Dark Side Haunted Adventure

by louiscyphre after attending on Saturday, October 14, 2006 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

Be warned there are unpredictable road closings in the area (the section of O that goes west from 67 around Ashippun (sp?) was closed when we went), and the directions we got off the 'net didn't take this into account; we ended up stopping at a gas station, who said they had had 10 people stop in in the last hour and ask the same thing -- I would suggest you just get to Ixonia or a nearby town and do the same, or you might want to call the number for the Farm and ask them for current directions... Other than that, there is plenty of parking, and the ride up to the Farms is pretty atmospheric with a nice sense of place -- there are spooky trees on either side of the road sometimes and it feels pretty isolated...

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Waiting Area is adequate, a large open building with numerous long tables and a small table with snacks. There are standing heaters, and there was about a 20 minute wait; you go in in large groups of 50 or more, which are split off into groups of 2 and 3 as you enter the various haunt(s). No entertainment at the waiting area while we were there.

Most Unique

Definitely the mineshaft; they did great job convincing you that you had just gone down a rickety staircase into a mine and were underground. Also, the hayride has a whole soundtrack playing on attached speakers, and there's a great Dot room (albeit in the middle of the forest).

Actors' Performance

Good job. The skull-faced witch who interacts with everyone before you enter the haunted forest was quick-witted, never broke character, and seemingly inexhaustible. Nice touch with her waiting for "just one more scream" before letting the next group go in. Some of the actors did some offbeat stuff, for example, just walking slowly forward down a long corn row toward our group and hissing. We enjoyed the enthusiasm of the initial tour guide and her ghost story, as well.

Appropriate For

Companion who owns a child indicated this would likely be appropriate for ages 8 years and up; there's not a lot of gore in particular, and there's plenty of space between scares so kids won't get overwhelmed.


$8 for all that? Wotta Country! The whole thing took more than an hour to get through, which was great, and they obviously enjoy putting it on. There are four distinct phases to the haunt, with the mineshaft, hayride, haunted forest, and eventual short haunted corn maze (They also offered what looked like an extended corn maze, "Mythical Midnight Corn Maze" or something like that, which cost an additional $7, but we didn't try it out due to time constraints)....the length of the haunt does result in short waits at each phase, however, so be dressed for waiting around outside in the middle of October. Also they do a great job setting the mood, with a walk up a hill in the middle of the farm under the stars, past creepy farm animals staring at you, and then telling you a ghost story about the previous owners of the farm (who,"according to historical records," went mad with a case of the "gold fever") before sending you into the mine...Overall experience very positive, not as scary as it might be, but relying more on atmosphere, pacing, and creativity.

HOT TIP: our group was split up during the hayride, and the ones in the middle of the haycart (is that a word?), on the ends, got more bang for their buck, as ghouls tended to attack from the sides, and there are a couple of things which swoop down and threaten the middle of the cart more. On the other hand, if you want the full effect of the soundtrack, sit in the front right behind the speakers.

ADDITIONAL HOT TIP: some Companions didn't get to hear the whole ghost story during the walk up the hill to the mine, as they were in the back of the crowd; I would suggest nudging your way up front if you want the full effect. Also, they send people in in groups of 2 or 3, so prepare to have large groups split up.

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Please note: this review is for the 2006 season rather than the current season.

The Dark Side Haunted Adventure

by gooberboy21 after attending on Saturday, October 7, 2006 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


Signage / Visibility / Location

The sinage is moderate. It would help if the signs were bigger. Otherwise visibility and location were okay.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The waiting area was heated with food, and the wait was short.

Most Unique

There is a room full of dots and that's all I will say.

Actors' Performance

The actors were good considering it was the second night they were open.

Appropriate For



One thing I thought was really good was that there's a haunted house, haunted hayride, haunted trail, and haunted corn maze for one price. It's a lot of entertainment.

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