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4 total reviews. Showing 404 of 4 on this page.
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Please note: this review is for the 2018 season rather than the current season.
by NicoleL after attending on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at about 9 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 14, 2018
“Come with me… and you’ll see… a world of safety violations…”
What scared us were safety issues. When I sign a waiver, I have an expectation that the operators would still strive to make patron safety a priority. The moment we walked down the hill we had to navigate uneven footing on paths in outdoor haunts and then at “the finale” our safety fears were confirmed when a man 2 lift-chairs in front of us fell off the lift 2/3rds of the way up. (Yes, you read that right. A MAN FELL OFF THE SKI LIFT - at approximately 10:15p.m. on Saturday October 13th – with 5 witnesses). Here is our experience and it’s important to note we did the attraction SOBER:
The waiting area is probably one of the best – excellent DJ, fun eye-candy music videos and signs, a funny hillbilly actor working the waiting crowds, bonfires and 2 bars – one before you buy tickets and one in the tent/waiting area. While a bar is a revenue booster and can make the wait seem shorter for patrons, it’s a bad idea at an attraction with extremely rough paths and a ski-lift.
PATHWAYS: The uneven footing issues were SO BAD it took away from the show. I felt bad for us and the actors - actors were good, but we had to focus attention to watching our step, so we wouldn’t trip.
Everyone is told to turn off cell-phones and I can appreciate that – they ruin haunts. However, when can’t see where you should step because ground is so uneven, and it’s a problem. Majority of the time in outdoor haunts we could not figure out our footing – were we walking on stairs or a ramp? Some stairs on paths were deep/wide and the next one was short/narrow. Some stairs were packed with hay so much, it felt like a ramp and you couldn’t tell where the stair was. My friend’s son rolled is ankle. I fell forward onto my husband twice because I didn’t see the stair down within a haunt.
SHOCK PADS: Not a safety issue but not fun either. I walked into something that felt like I was smacked in the cheek and upper right bicep at the same time. This morning my upper arm is sore like I had a tetanus shot.
SKI LIFT: Lighting is very poor getting on to the ski lift. If there is a “speed control” they need to slow that b***ch down! It was so dark we didn’t even see (nor did the staff member remind) to pull the safety bar down. We aren’t ski-iers. There was some signage getting on but we didn't have time to read - plus it was dark and it was evident they were pushing as many through as fast as they could - it was a crowded. Then 2/3rds of the way up our chair suddenly starts bouncing up and down – at the same time we see a guy in a gray hoodie fall with a loud THUMP.
His girlfriend told the operator at the top and he didn’t seem to believe her until my friend’s son disembarked and yelled at them they needed to go down and get the guy. They then shut the lift down (we were still hanging there next in line to get off) and saw the whole scene from above I was disturbed by the lack of urgency by staff and the lack of flashlights. Luckily the man fell in a way where he was ok – I’m sure he’s hurting today. It could have ended tragically if he landed wrong on his neck or head.
The ski lift entry/exit points NEEDS TO BE WELL LIT.
SAFETY BARS NEED TO BE PUT DOWN or people must be told to pull them down.
They were trying to move so many people through that it was a problem - it was rushed and lacked safeguards.
I’ve visited many haunts, but never have I felt unsafe or feared injury. It’s sad because I know there are good people involved in this attraction, and actors are working hard, but blatant safety concerns overshadow the entire show.
Signing a waiver should not be a pass for management to lax on the safety of patrons.
Safety issues combined with alcohol overshadows hard working actors. Most disturbing: Witnessed a man fall 2/3rd the way up the ski-lift.
Please note: this review is for the 2018 season rather than the current season.
by Exhaunter after attending on Sunday, October 14, 2018 at about 9 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, October 14, 2018
This is the worst and most unsafe haunted house I have ever seen.
What happens when you serve people copious amount of drinks, have crap paths that are uneven, rails that aren't even attached and not safe, and then end with a ski lift with the staff not telling you there's a bar that can be pulled down going at mach 10 to get people through?
A drunk Wile E. Coyote falling off the ski lift in front of us tonight and being distracted up to that point by the the safety hazards and my wife getting nailed in the eye with a rope. This was $38/per person. How his haunt got the fire inspectors approval is beyond me. I don't know where to begin on what is wrong with this haunt. The actors are mediocre. But for me it was really several safety factors. From the uneven stair covered in hay so the steps were uneven, the paths muddy and untaken care of where one of our people twisted his ankle, to ZERO lighting in key areas where is was needed. I was unimpressed and felt they just wanted to make money. Safety was not a factor. Even the planks you walked across was weak and I felt David Gruber was needed to be called. This is a disaster waiting to happen.
When we got to the ski lift, little instruction was given. The Sky lift was going around fast. No instruction on the pull down front brace. Going up to the top I told my wife I felt like we could fall and it wasn't safe. 30 seconds later we saw a gray sweatshirt fall to the ground with a mighty thud. It was a man that fell two lifts in front of us. His girlfriend started yelling right away. The staff did not believe it and there was no urgency to see if he was okay. He must have fell 30 feet at least. It wasn't until one of our party said to get him help was there any action. He got up and said he was okay. There was no medical staff to check him out. Just staff to find his glasses. They stopped the lift and I wanted off while they helped him. As I got off they started it at mach 10 and my wife also almost got hit in the head with the lift. Then they gave us a flier detailing a accident on the ski lift that killed people and if we survived the haunt we would get a two for one Miller Lite. WTF!
We then got into the other line, and there was the guy who fell and he was intoxicated feeling no pain at that time. No one checked him out medically. Tomorrow, this guy will have issues. Guaranteed. If he is reading this remember: One call, that's all. Get a lawyer.
From there we got to exit and there was no well lit path. We didn't know where the exit was. This was the worst acted, safe, and managed haunt I have been to. Don't go here. There's better nearby.
Want a safe haunt with good value for the money? Don't go here. There will be more people falling off the skylift this haunt season. Mark my words.
View all The Hill has Eyes reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2018 season rather than the current season.
by BrittanyAnnBula (Junior Review Crew Member) after attending on Monday, October 1, 2018 at about 7 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 1, 2018
Upon arrival you will immediately notice changes this year and BIG changes for sure. This caused great excitement right away. I was thinking to myself this is going to better than last year was great!!
We purchased fast pass tickets since rain was in the forecast and we drove a couple hours to attend. The fast pass tickets are nice for a few reasons: 1. You may enter the haunts at your leisure. 2. There are bonfires going and if you would like to take a break in between haunts you can; without the worry you will be waiting in longer lines. Score for fast passes!! In the ticket area there is a bar and a DJ playing. That’s a nice touch especially if it is a busy night. Also, upon purchasing your tickets you must sign a waiver. I can’t believe more haunts don’t make you do this.
Haunt 1 – Top Secret Containment
This short haunt had very limited actors, but those that they had were great. They put the effort in and keep role extremely well. This haunt started the night a bit disappointed. I was hoping that the Hill has Eyes would pick it up a little bit upon exiting the first haunt only within a few minutes of starting it.
Haunt 2 – Failed Escape
The passion these actors have to make you feel like you are some where you aren’t supposed to be is exactly how you feel while you make your way through. This dark passage was full of actors and kept you on your toes. When the use of all senses gets used it makes for a great experience. The shocks, the sense of smell (maybe it was just me and the muskiness in the props because of rain) the unknown and the known makes for an exciting haunt. Not much has changed since last year overall, but the fun, excitement and dedication from the actors makes for a great time.
Haunt 3 – Hunger Hollow
As you enter the meat locker you never know what to expect. Crazy murdering husband, disturbed butcher, a crazy campground and a satanic church. I would have to say this part of my favorite haunt of them all. This haunt is the longest and the best in my opinion. It’s very dark, you walk along a dimly lit path and you go through several well put together scenes. The details that go into planning each scene is top notch. The props they have along the path make you anticipate something that isn’t there, but then boom; out of nowhere when you least expect it!
Haunt 4 – Scare Lift
To get to the last haunt you must take the ski lift to get you to the top of the hill. No scares, just your everyday ride to the top.
Haunt 5 – CarniVore
This was full of twists, turns and running into walls and dead ends. As you make your way through the carnival maze you never really know which way to go. Go left, go right, nope go straight ahead. You enter these small rooms never knowing what is right behind the curtain, be on your toes and ready for anything. The suspense that someone will be in the room as you enter is the worse. The clowns will come out of nowhere…so beware these aren’t your everyday clowns!! The music and the actors really make you feel like you are lost in the big tent! This haunt is relatively short but, packs a huge punch. This makes the night complete and a great way to finish.
Plan to spend about an hour here once you get going through the haunts on a decent night; on a busy night I wouldn’t be surprised if the lines are a couple hours long. This is an AWESOME haunt for a GREAT price.
Overall if you have been here within the last couple years I would give it a few more years before coming back. The haunts are very similar to the years past. The actors really make this haunt what it is. They keep you on your toes and really stay in roll very well. They are dedicated to making your experience great. If you never been here it’s worth the drive for sure and if you are local you need to make a visit.
If you plan of visiting this year mud boots or great shoes is highly recommended. With the large amounts of rain there was a ton of mud and slippery paths. They did a great job by putting straw down to help the path, but there are still some pretty slick spots. Kinda adds a great touch to the whole experience that wasn’t planned or hoped for.
View all The Hill has Eyes reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2018 season rather than the current season.
by dubstyle_2k (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, September 29, 2018 at about 8:30 p.m.
Submitted: Sunday, September 30, 2018
I decided to check out Hill Has Eyes this year. It has been three years since I last reviewed this haunt, and was eager to see what they have done to change it up. I am going to preface this review by stating that if you visit Hill Has Eyes make sure you pay attention to the weather. I bought VIP tickets ahead of time, without looking at the weather, this was my biggest mistake! As soon as I pulled away from my house the rain started! The problem with buying your Hill Has Eyes tickets online is they are only valid that day. The majority of Hill Has Eye is outdoors, on a hill, walking on dirt trails. On any other night I would have loved this, but that night it was cold, rainy, and VERY slick due to all the mud you walk through. Of course this isn't the fault of the haunt, it's my fault for not checking the weather. I will say, if you are headed to Hill Has Eyes, wear shoes you don't care about, but make sure they have good grip!
This year Hill Has Eyes made a few changes. We arrived at the haunt and headed to the ticketing/waiting tent. The parking lot is quite a distance from the tent, and we were left on our own to try to figure out how we get from point A to point B. Well, we accidentally chose the path that led us to point C! We ended up at some bar, I'm still not sure where we went wrong, but we weren't the only ones to make this mistake. We decided to follow some people that at least looked like they knew where they were going, and finally we made it to the tent. I guess my second biggest mistake of the night was assuming it was going to be super busy like three years ago, so I bought VIP tickets ahead of time. Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was because it was so early in the season, but there wasn't very many people there waiting to get in. While you're waiting in line to get to the cashier, you have to sign a waiver. Please note, I never felt in danger while walking through the haunts (other than the muddy trails, and almost falling a few times!), I think these waivers are strictly for liability reasons. The waiting area is pretty great, there are no actors, but there is a DJ and a full bar for visitors. Because I was there as a reviewer I didn't visit the bar, thus I don't know how prices are. Three years ago I inquired, and beers were $3, so expect to pay at least that. Because we were VIP we were able to leave the waiting area right away and head towards the first haunt of four, "Containment". Three years ago the first haunt was called "Hooded", which was great, but they've unfortunately done away with that portion.
"Containment" was definitely my least favorite section of Hill Has Eyes. It was kind of short and too well lit. The theme was Military vs Hillbilly, with a few men in ghillie suits, and doctors. I think they were going for a contagion thing, but it was lost on me. Like I said, this section was short, and not that scary, we made it through in a matter of minutes and exited to an area with a bonfire and some porta potties. Luckily there were a few workers by the bonfire, as we started towards what we thought was the next haunt, we were redirected to the correct haunt, "Failed Escape".
If you read my review of Hill Has Eyes from three years ago, then just know, I could copy and pasted what I wrote then and it would still apply. Nothing really has changed in that three years. This haunt still has a backwoods theme, and freaks a plenty. Though this haunt was too familiar, the actors in this area were top notch. Again I was with a friend who teaches in the area, so a couple actors recognized him and broke character to greet him, however a couple used it as part of their act, calling him out at times! "Failed Escape" was significantly longer than "Containment", and a lot darker, which is always a plus! My favorite part of this haunt was a very short walkway that had strings hanging down. Sounds benign, but those strings give you a tiny zap if your skin touched them! I mentioned these shocking strings in my review a few years ago, but I stated that I couldn't tell if they were zapping us or giving us a prick. This year it was obvious, these things were zapping! It didn't hurt, but it was definitely a weird feeling, I love a haunt that makes me uncomfortable! We once again made it all the way through and exited at the bonfire. Next stop, "Hunger Hollow".
"Hunger Hollow" is another section that was there three years ago, and yet another section that I could have copy and pasted my review from my last visit. The theme still centers around a butcher shop that's using, wait for it... human meat! Nothing new here, really. Again the actors were awesome, I just wanted a different experience. Aside from the butcher stuff there is more back woods hillbillies and creeps. This section of Hill Has Eyes leads you to a satanic church that was pretty great! I enjoyed "Hunger Hollow", it was long and like I said, the actors did a fantastic job! As you reach the end of this section you make your way down a path that leads you to the ski lift, or "Scare Lift". The ski lift takes you to the final haunt, "CARNIvore". The ski lift was a little disappointing. The last time I was at Hill Has Eyes there were actors in clown suits on some of the other lift chairs that would shout at you and squirt you with squirt guns, this time, no actors at all, just a leisurely ride on a wet ski lift! Once you hit the top you make your way to "CARNIvore"
As you could have guessed, "CARNIvore" is a carnival themed haunt. This was arguably my favorite section of Hill Has Eyes. This haunt was not as long as the previous two, but I do love a carnival theme! The climax of this section is a VERY long maze that is almost exhausting! There is a spinning vortex that is always fun and disorienting, with an actress that was very good. The last time I was at Hill Has Eyes, the end of "CARNIvore" included a human puppet show. That was a real awesome way to end the experience, but for some reason they no longer do the show, I was a little disappointed. Again, the actors were top notch, and the whole experience, even without the puppet show, was great!
In all I thought Hill Has Eyes was okay. They didn't change much, and the things that did change, like the removal of the "hooded" section and the human puppet show, was a little disappointing. The actors in all four sections were excellent, and the bang for your buck, length wise is bar none, the best in the area. If you have never been to this haunt, I highly recommend it, if you have been to Hill Has Eyes in the past, well, you might be upset about the lack of change, theme wise. I'll go back in another three years, hopefully it'll be revamped a bit.
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