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3 total reviews. Showing 303 of 3 on this page.
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Please note: this review is for the 2014 season rather than the current season.
by carli.ihde after attending on Friday, October 10, 2014 at about 9 p.m.
Submitted: Wednesday, October 15, 2014
One of the best haunted houses I've ever been to, bar none (haunted house is probably a bad term considering the whole tour is completely outdoors). I had so so much fun. If you need something awesome to do this Halloween season I don't think I could recommend this place any higher.
It had EVERYTHING. This includes, but is not limited to... (********SPOILER ALERT for anyone who wants to be surprised by the tour's attractions********) a haunted trailer park with mutants, zombies, Satan's Church (we loved the priest), getting a bag put over your head and wandering around in the dark, a giant slide (complete with dancing bear), riding on a rickety old ski lift, a graveyard, many chainsaws, an inflatable anal exam (Yes, I said it), a haunted carnival, beer tents, bonfires and a ton of fantastic characters/amazing scenes to experience. (*****SPOILER DONE****)
Hands down, the most fun I have ever had at a haunted house (and I've gone to at least one every year since I was 8) I traveled all the way from Madison to go to this so I also decided to buy the VIP tickets. This means we got to skip all the lines and go right to the front (I promise, it was worth every penny) Even without the lines the whole tour took us quite a while to walk through which was fantastic! Nothing felt rushed or lacking and overall I give it an A++ (Although I love them, this is something I rarely give to haunted houses) I actually want to go again, it was THAT good.
This haunted house wasn't "terrifying" per se, but what haunted house is? You know you're not going to die or be touched by the actors in anyway and that's usually enough to keep me relatively unterrified. But scary? Yes, of course it was! I was definitely clinging to my boyfriend throughout most of the haunt and I even found myself screaming at a few points. But on the whole, it was just ridiculously fun. These guys are so into their characters! You will find NO "Boos", "Rawrs" or "Hisses" at this haunt. These guys are professionals with well thought out character names and backstories. You can just tell that they live and breathe the Halloween season and they've got the sort of creepy charisma coursing through their veins that you can only experience at a great haunted house like this. They were also very complimentary telling me that I smelled good (you just don't hear that enough, you know?)
Small disclaimer: This is probably not a place for children for sure. Although I did notice the actors were very good at reading us before we got to them. (Side note: I'm 24 years old) They were able to measure our age and type of humor so it was a lot of fun to see them interact with us and joke around with us. At some points it really felt like we were in on the whole thing which was awesome (if that makes any sense) but they never fell out of character or took us out of the illusion (This is very hard to do without looking cheesy! I used to work at a haunted house as well, I know how it goes). But yeah, I probably wouldn't recommend this to anyone under 15, unless you are with a parent and are mature enough to get that this stuff isn't real (just read through the haunt guidelines, I'm not sure what their age policy is) I also probably wouldn't recommend this to any closed minded parents or people who are easily and seriously offended by language, visuals and/or scenes as well. These are great actors who are just having a great time and living off the moment (and that's what I really like to see and what we want to encourage) So this haunt should be avoided by anyone who is preparing to rain on their parade and looking for things to complain about (why would you even come?)
SO, to conclude... I had an awesome time! I highly recommend it and I hope that my review really got you fired up to go. I'll definitely be coming back next year for another walk through.
P.S. Do yourself a favor and buy your tickets online ahead of time! It will save you a ton of waiting. Also, the haunt was actually sold out the night that I went so I'm really glad i decided to I order the VIP tickets off of their site.
This haunt is incredibly fun. Great actors, scenes and concepts.
Please note: this review is for the 2014 season rather than the current season.
by DarkWolf1088 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at about 8 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 14, 2014
A fairly new haunted attraction to southeast Wisconsin, the Hill Has Eyes, formed back in 2012, is an expansive outdoor haunted complex. This was my very first visit to this attraction and the trip certainly did not disappoint. The Hill Has Eyes welcomes you with a large tent, 2 bonfires, an audio/visual display, and (for the adults) a beer tent. The music is playing is heavy rock and accompanies the video playing on the big screen. Everything about this attraction's meeting area puts you in the mood for a fun time. Although there were no actors, at the time, prowling around the ticket line, the wait was no less interesting or fun. Due to time constraints I opted for the attraction's VIP pass (a $35 value that goes up as the season progresses). Spoiler Alert: This pass was well worth it and you will soon know why. So that being said this attraction makes a great first impression at the start. Let's dive into the meat of this haunt.
The Hill Has Eyes includes 5 attractions and each one varies from the other WHILE maintaining the theme of the haunt (check out their website) throughout the entire attraction.
Hooded is the very first part of the attraction. When I came to the haunt I had to sign a wavier. This is a legit wavier as this is an expansive attraction that has many different components compared to other attractions of similar size. Part of that wavier advises you that you will be 'hooded' for the first part of the attraction. This is no joke. Before you enter the haunt you are required to put a black bag over your head and grasp onto a rope that runs along the trail route. All the while that you have a bag over your head and you are following a rope, the drill instructors will give you some "encouragement" and things will go bump in the night around you. A very interesting concept to a haunted attraction that pays dividends right out of the gate. Enjoy the sensory deprivation and let the attraction's actors do what they do best. You won't be disappointed.
Failed Escape
Following Hooded you get the chance to take a break at another common area that has a beer stand and a bonfire. Once you have your wits about you after the Hooded experience, Failed Escape will introduce you to the "storyline" of the Hill Has Eyes. In this area you follow a backwoods trail that leads you through trailer homes, abandoned vehicles, and dilapidated structures. All the while you will be stalked by the area's "residents". With some top notch animatronics, props, and acting, you will feel as if the title to the attraction is actually true. This a thrill ride for both your eyes as well as your nerves.
Hunger Hollow
You exit Failed Escape into the same common area you started. Again you are given the chance to warm-up by the bonfire and grab a brewsky. Once you are ready you can enter Hunger Hollow. This attraction is Failed Escape's bigger and badder brother. Again you will be overwhelmed by the amount of detail in the scenery. With great design comes great scares, and no other attraction that I have been to has proved this better than Hunger Hollow. Take your time, enjoy the sights, the monsters inhabiting the location love to play with their food. A woman that I was walking with during this trip put it best by saying, "this is like a roller-coaster". How true that line was. The Hills Has Eyes does an excellent job of pacing which allows you to have a "full" experience of the haunt versus being either really bored or overly scared. Hunger Hollow is indeed a roller-coaster ride.
Scare Lift
After you make it out of Hunger Hollow (if you haven't already turned tail and run) you come to the Scare Lift. In all honesty this is the most subdued attraction of the haunt but is creepy and disturbing in its own right. You will board an old ski lift that will take you to the top of the hill. All the while that you are suspended, there is nothing but darkness around you and the sounds of screams in the background. Although this lift may appear relaxing, don't get too relaxed, you aren't done yet.
Carnivore: The Devil's Carnival
Do clowns or carnies freak you out? Well then you are in for one final ride. Although smaller than Failed Escape and Hunger Hollow, Carnivore is a fun attraction using the twisted carnival theme. Even if you aren't scared by such a theme, the actors positioned there still do a good job of eliciting a scream or to. Watch the freak show and enjoy....just don't stay to long.. although they are just circus freaks they're still kin to the monsters you escaped earlier.
View all The Hill has Eyes reviews
Please note: this review is for the 2014 season rather than the current season.
by creep after attending on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at about 9:30 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 14, 2014
This was my first time ever attending The Hill Has Eyes and I must say I was pleased with my visit. This is only the haunt's third year in operation and what they've done with those three years is pretty impressive.
First of all, Hill Has Eyes crew, you need signage on the road at the bottom of the hill directing people to the top - it was very confusing with baseball games going on to know exactly where to go. Once at the top of the hill and parked, however, the environment sets the mood right away... for the most part - a lot of bright lights far away that were confusing, but made sense later on.
The attraction starts with "Hooded" which is a really interesting idea and could really build anxiety if it was done properly. Essentially, you place a black hood over your head and walk down the hill by yourself to the rest of the attraction (oh, and you need to sign a waiver before doing this) with only your hand on a rope to guide you. At first, it was unsettling walking by yourself like this, but there were a few things I didn't like: 1- my hand kept hitting the wooden poles holding the rope; that started to hurt. 2- you walked for a long time without anything happening, so I got used to it and it was no longer unsettling. 3- scares were attempted, but failed because I could hear actors walking on the gravel. And 4- there was no ending to it.... just "take the hoods off and move on." Oh, and what was with the military? Didn't match anything else at the event.... but, nonetheless, a very cool idea and nice way to start the haunt.
After Hooded, you come upon an open area with a fire pit and what would normally be a bar on busy nights. What was cool about this, was you had time to do the 2 following trails as you pleased, having time to sit at the fire and take a break before or in between the trails. Nice touch!!
The first of the two trails started off amazing. It was a junkyard scene with cars everywhere and actors with masks looking like they were from "The Strangers." What I noticed about this haunt right away, was how raw the environments were. There wasn't anything fancy about the trails, but you were in dark woods with junk and crazy people everywhere which in it of itself is creepy. The first trail had a few good memorable places and really good jump scares, but one thing I didn't understand was the story line... There were several actors claiming it was "their land" and random actors saying they needed help and they were trapped... but I never understood why because my life or safety never felt endangered. It never felt like someone was going to take me and put me with them. Nonetheless, good scares and a good first trail.
The second trail was easily my favorite of the night. Jump scares left and right. It's hard to get me, but this was the trail that made me jump at least twice. As for the two people with me, they were screaming and laughing all over the place. At one point in particular, an actor with a boom stick had my buddy dancing he was jumping around so scared, great job there! The only thing that concerned me about trail #2 was certain points where I couldn't see anything on very hazardous terrain. I remember there being some steps that were unlit that could be very dangerous. But despite that, this trail was great. Again, they used the environment to their advantage. The ending of the trail, which I imagine was some kind of satanic cult ritual was really nifty... but it seemed empty. I think they need to expand on this idea (oh, and they should probably finish the facade so I'm not looking at 2x4's with the tags still on them...). But it was a nice setup for the next attraction -
The scare lift. Really cool and yet there wasn't anything to it. It's literally a really old ski lift and the entrance platform is surrounded by black tarp and red lights inside. I would do a better job of covering up the mechanism on the demon animatronic, but the area made you question whether or not to go on. The actors were handing out fliers explaining the ghost story behind the scare lift (as well as coupons to the bar) which would have been nice to read while waiting in line on busy nights - but we didn't have to wait so we got right on and read later. The lift itself, nothing happened. You just went up a ski lift. This is where the bright lights I mentioned earlier comes into play - the ski lift lights were on. I'm sure they have to be, but it would have been cool to ride in the dark.
Finally, we got to the Carnivore satans carnival end thing.... which was a huge let down. There was no point to this and it was done so poorly, which is a shame cause it had the right ingredients, but whoever runs this part isn't doing their job right. There was nothing psychotic or carnivoristic about this trail. Nothing. There was one actor who said she was going to play darts with my face as the target that even remotely matched the theme. The slide was fun, and might I say the teddy bear at the end of it was hilarious. They had a claustrophobia as your "anal exam" which, while funny, 1 - doesn't make any sense in a carnival, and 2- it was in the middle of the trail with nothing before or after it... it was totally random. The finale of the carnival was what I believe to be a sideshow with several booths setup. I could tell they were short staffed, but there wasn't anything going on. None of the actors were aggressive, I couldn't read any signs, and the sideshow only took about 30 seconds to walk through. To top it all off, they relied on a clown with a chainsaw as the final scare... how many times has THAT been done.... Not every haunted attraction needs clowns... this carnival doesn't work, so find a better way to end your attraction.
I think the Hill Has Eyes will continue to improve and even this year I would absolutely recommend checking it out. Even though the carnival was an awful way to end. the rest of it was just pure Halloween haunted trail fun with lots of scares along the way. I must say, though, this is absolutely an adult attraction. Actors didn't appear to have any rules about cussing and the F-bomb was flying all over the place. Not to mention alcohol can be purchased at several locations.
If you can, visit on a Thursday where admission is only $25. The price goes up on Fridays and Saturdays and I think $25 for about an hour of trails is my top dollar on this one. Overall though, a very fun place to go this Halloween season.
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