New location...same great scares! I don't think I've ever been to a haunt and found myself marveling at how comfortably warm the rooms were. While the ticket line leaves you exposed to the elements the waiting area and both haunts are located in the heated confines of an abandoned Kmart...which I heard rumors was forced to relocate when demons which now lurk within moved in. The animatronic intro at Hauntfest is absolutely amazing and looks like the high tech marvels you see at theme parks like Disney.
Hauntfest is comprised of two haunts. The main attraction, "The Realm", starts with a wicked elevator ride that completely disorientates you prior to spitting you out and sending you along a dark maze of pitch black corridors and dimly lit rooms. Haunt goers who appreciate elaborate set designs with gruesome details will not be disappointed. Be warned though, over indulging in the visual treats will leave you susceptible to the ghouls who enjoy jumping out at you when you're not paying attention. While this year's edition of Hauntfest had several new twists and scares a few of the traditional favorites have survived the move...most notably the chain link fence and circus tent mazes. The second attraction, "The Big Top" features a circus like atmosphere consisting of a maze colorfully decorated corridors and energetic performers who are bent on not only scaring you but totally creeping you out.
Signage / Visibility / Location
Be sure to study your maps or set your navigation system prior to traveling to Hauntfest. There are no signs leading you too this haunt and the sign at the haunt is not on Hwy 100. The signs for Halloween Express which is located in the same building are a lot easier to see.
Wait Area / Line Entertainment
Tickets are purchased outside in the elements but the waiting area is located in the loading dock area of the old Kmart. A large video screen and sound system keep you entertained with music videos while you wait.
Actors' Performance
Energized and Effective! The actors may not be winning any Academy awards but they certainly had an abundance of enthusiasm and desire to provide a frightful time for you.
Sets Scenes / Props / FX
The animatronic intro to this haunt is amazing! Everything else pales in comparison but is comparable to what most other haunts showcase.
Took our group 15 minutes to complete our tour through The Realm and 4 minutes to complete our tour through the Big Top.
Crowd Control
The waiting line was clearly roped off...but there was no line when my group attended this haunt.
Most Memorable Moment
I particularly enjoyed the twist that awaited with year's chain link fence maze...
New Location...same great scares! Quite possibly the most comfortable haunted adventure I've ever embarked on. Appropriate for all ages and themes to satisfy just about everyone's haunted hunger.
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