2010 Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm Event Reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by Monsterenergy164 after attending on Friday, October 22, 2010 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


It was very easy to find there is a big sign where you should turn. once you get there you can enjoy sitting around the campfire feed some animals and buy spooky things. after you buy your tickets you wait around and hear scary stories by the story teller. once they call your tickets you wait in line for like 10 minutes, it depends on where you are in line. but its well worth the wait.


Once you get in the first guy really scared me,one of the people that was in my group fell over, i didn't really catch what he was. my 2 favorite parts that scared me really good is the 2 warewolfs the first one scared me as we walked and the second got us by surprise because the first werewolf was chasing us.Both warewolfs were really good and make a good team. And the other part that got me good was the house where the ceiling comes down, i didn't expect it. all the actors were really good! we were in the maze for a good 40 minutes of pure scaring.Best Haunted Attraction i've been to all year!

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by portrgirl after attending on Friday, October 15, 2010 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: Low


This was an incredibly disappointing haunt. The setting offers so much, but Meadowbrook Farm does not use it to their advantage.

First, we got there shortly after 8:00 pm planning to buy our tickets and enjoy the bonfire for a bit before going into the cornfield. However, we were told that our numbers had already been called twice and if they were called a third time, we might not be able to go in. Instead we had to wait in line with absolutely no scary atmosphere for about 30 minutes.

The actual cornfield maze wasn't really any better. It was long, at about 40 minutes, but had the fewest live actors of any haunt I've been to. Scenes were set up into cleared out areas of the cornfield, most with inanimate objects, some with animatronics. Nobody and nothing to startle or scare. Many of the scenes didn't even seem to fit the setting (pirate ships?). Where were the demented farmers jumping out with pitchforks and following the group?

After 20 minutes of that, the rest of the maze was interspersed by small shacks, some with live actors waiting outside or in, but still, no really good scares. Certainly no startles. The one good shack was a room that confused you until you were trapped in a shrinking section of it for about 5 minutes. Two members of our group somehow missed this and went on without us though.

As we exited the haunt, two actors were heading in. I expected a scare from them, but they weren't even in character and just nodded at us as they walked by. Not good.


The inability to enjoy the farm setting prior to entering, the $20 price tag, and the lack of scares makes this a dud of a creepy cornfield. Mostly, it was a walk through a cornfield maze that was slightly boring at times. It would be good for some kids though.

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by louiscyphre (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Freakin' Exhaustin'! This is one haunt you want to set aside the whole night for, 'cause it's going to put you through the ringer and back again. Sweet satan, it's a 45 minute hike through a maze of the tallest corn this reviewer and companions have ever seen, they grow 'em big up there in West Bend, maybe it's something in the water, something like...Evil! You're literally wandering through corridors of corn here, it must have been 15 feet high, I kid you not, constant reader, twice the height of a normal person. There's a nice mix of animatronic and live actors sprinkled throughout the haunt, as well as various scenes and little buildings placed at spots in the maze to keep your interest up. You're literally trapped in some of the scenes, too, which is wonderfully unsettling, we ended up banging on walls at one place to try to find an exit, of which there turned out to be none -- these ghouls don't screw around!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Follow directions from Google, very easy to find, it's on a working farm that appears to have the farmer's house right smack in the middle of all the action, that must be very sweet as they lay their sleepy heads down upon their pillows and fall asleep to the screams of terror emanating over their rolling hills and pastures.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

As I said, it's a working farm, and there are a bunch of things to do, like shop in the little store (lots of Halloween stuff and craft stuff in several rooms), and you can get stuff to eat at a little stand that gives its money to a German Shepherd rescue organization; it has things like hamburgers and brats and popcorn and candy bars and there are a bunch of picnic tables at the bonfire that you can go eat at. You buy your tickets at the store checkout counter, and then get a bracelet with a number on it. They have an LED sign system with several locations on the farm, so you can wander around a little and watch for your number to be called; they call numbers in groups of 50, and then you go line up and wait to get let into the haunt. There's also a "quickline" ticket that allows you to get directly in line without waiting.

There are also a bunch of living animals in various fenced-off areas that you can marvel at or bother while you wait, like a donkey (whose braying was pretty creepy), emus (yes, emus), ducks and geese, llamas, goats, and then there was Bunnytown, which has little bunnies all romping about, apparently impervious to the terror being visited on the humans only tens of feet away -- where is your sense of decency, little bunnies? There's also a bonfire you can go sit around; there appeared to be a large man in a black leather hat and coat with a cane tending the bonfire, and I got the impression he may tell spooky stories or something, but we didn't hear any while we were there, though we were there quite early. No ghouls wandering around that we saw, but that was okay, the freakin' haunt is 45 minutes long, and you don't really need any pre-show entertainment.

Actors' Performance

Now, there are a mix of animatronic and real actors in this haunt, sometimes its hard to tell who is who, but the actors we did definitively run into were topnotch and taking their terrorizing (and being terrified, sorry about abandoning you, oh Strung-Up-By-the-Giant-Spiders-Guy!) very seriously. Shout out to the gentleman running the Meat Treats stand and there's a scene where the walls move and you are literally locked in with a bunch of horrifying ghouls who really really really mean business. Also, excellent clownwork, these clowns really know how to work it..."Never trust anything a clown says!"

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

We were impressed. Scenes have clearly been thought out, and the ghouls haunting them are really good, but beware, it's a really long maze, and there will be some lag-time between the more coherent scenes and the things that just sometimes pop out of the corn on hydraulic lifts. This is actually okay, though, there's something really cool about just walking through a literal tunnel of 15-foot high corn and seeing the moon shining down on you as you wait to see what's around the next bend. They obviously really put a lot of time into this and it's clear someone here really really loves Halloween and scaring the peoples. Some of the animatronic stuff is really extremely convincing, there were actually a couple of times in which we were never sure if what was going on was animatronic or a live actor, which is a compliment to the animatronics and not a slam on the excellent actors!

Also ghouls are placed in odd locations, like above you and on the ground level, which makes things even more disorienting and unsettling.

Loved that there were also emergency exits thoughtfully placed throughout the haunt, helpfully marked "Chicken Gate," and just to add a little extra sumthin' sumthin', there appeared to be ghouls lurking just behind the "Chicken Gates!" Perhaps chicken is a favorite delicacy amongst the ghouls, and this ends up acting like a kind of feeding trough.
Oh, there are also lots of strobes and fog machines and stuff, so be ready for that; man, they don't kid around with the strobes, either -- bring your epileptic friends if you want to see a real show! Kidding!


Excellent excellent excellent op-art house with accompanying op-art clown, and a really cool decaying pirate ship. Very cool webbing area with a screaming web-cocooned man, and one house with the uplifting title of "Welcome to Hell," boasts not only a scene where you're locked in with a bunch of ghouls, but then the ceiling, which has huge spikes in it, starts to slowly lower, and, good lord, there's no door to get out of. There's also a giant octopus, yes, a giant octopus, now how cool is that?


Wait for us was negligible, we were there early, and the haunt itself took 45 minutes or more to get through. It's an entire night's entertainment, you won't need to go to another haunt that night.

Crowd Control

They let you in groups of 4-6, and people are spaced out well, we could hear groups behind us sometimes, but I think the ghouls would try to delay people in order to let other groups get ahead.

Most Memorable Moment

Disorienting House with its Disorienting Accompanying Clown, and Welcome to Hell.

And just to say it again, two words -- Giant Octopus.


Corn-tastic! The Haunted Cornmaze at Meadowbrook Farms really puts you through your paces, and you get 45 minutes of exercise in, to boot. It's kind of Terror on Rural Street (Hartford)'s country cousin, which is high praise. We had a most excellent time and would recommend this highly.

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by CC2 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


One never knows what they will come across in a cornfield in Washington County, as it turns out.

On your visit to the Haunted Cornfield, you will traverse a glowing spider web and eventually meet its spitting creator.

There is a pirate ship with its captain and a surprise guest.

Throughout the field, you will encounter glowing red and white eyes staring at you from the dark amidst the sounds of the night.

There are witches brewing concoctions in cauldrons and aliens that have found earth to be a fertile area for colonization.

You will meet the Wolfman and will contemplate a solitary walk through a graveyard.

On your trip, you will pass through a house of confusion with tapestry the same pattern as the walls.

Prior to entering the maze, there are plenty of options for how to spend your time.

The Cornfield is a pumpkin farm and has an impressive array of pumpkins, squash and gourds to buy.

There is also a gift shop on site selling Halloween themed gifts and a snack area selling cider and caramel apples among other fall treats.

The staff maintain a raised fire pit and snacks are sold in that area.

I am told they tell scary stories around the fire. When I visited, people sat and enjoyed the warmth in silence awaiting their call into the field.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The Cornfield is in a fairly rural location. The directions on the website are helpful and my GPS found it with no difficulty.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Once actually in line, there isn't much to do but wait once your ticket number grouping is called.

Prior to being called, there is plenty of browsing to do through the rows of pumpkins, in the gift shop and around the grounds.

As was mentioned, there is a very pleasant bonfire to sit by to pass the time while you are waiting for your group to be called.

There is a digital message board near the fire that lets you know what groups are currently able to wait in line.

Plenty of snacks, etc. are available.

This is really one of the more rich Halloween environments to pass time in.

Actors' Performance

I particularly appreciated the actor's portraying animals in an area where you eventually end up in a shrinking cage.

Overall, all of the live performers in the field had invested involvements with us and seemed to enjoy their roles. Costuming and make up were above average.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The creators of the cornfield did a remarkable job of setting up scenes in the field and having lots of audio and smaller scenes in-between the major stops.

There is plenty to pay attention to in your walk through the corn. Quiet moments are few and beware when it becomes too quiet.

Warning: there is a very heavy reliance on strobe lights in the field if you are sensitive to that.


Depending on the pace of your walk, your journey through the field should take you about a half hour.

Crowd Control

For my visit, groups were being called 50 at a time. Groups were sent into the maze in about 5 minute intervals and they were allowing individual couples and small groups to enter on their own vs in pre-set groupings like 8 at a time, etc. This added to the wait, but improved the overall individual experience.

Most Memorable Moment

For my group, we particularly appreciated the scene with a pirate ship and also the area that eventually evolves into a caging. The actors in that area in particular gave very lively performances.


I really enjoyed this event. The walk through the field really makes you have to keep your wits about you and there is some kind of stimulation either audio or visual throughout the field. This was a very satisfying visit and is highly recommended.

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by kjlamb after attending on Friday, October 8, 2010 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Low


We arrived at the farm-which was very easy to find-and bought our wristbands and went over by the fire. It was not long before our number was called but we waited and finished the rest of the "ghost story" before heading into line. once into the maze the first thing you notice that is VERY disorentating. (besides how huge the corn is)
the maze is full of props and mini "houses" it took us about 40 min to walk through.


I really did not find this that scary-there could have been a lot more scares-and some of the time you could see the people coming. I liked how much time went into all the props-they looked really good-and it was by far the longest haunted anything i have been on. the best part had to be the spider webs. i would take a 12 yr old to this.

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by earthangel129 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


We arrived, the parking was ample. We got our wristbands and headed to the campfire, where a gentleman was telling ghost stories. Our wait was fairly quick about 10 minutes or so, however, I advise you; generally your wait will be longer especially the closer to Halloween it is. Once we got to the line we were let right in as our own two person group which is nice because you have the feeling that you are alone out there, and the only thing that brings you back to the reality of that others are in the haunt as well, are the many screams you hear all around you.

Once in the corn field, you are instantly brought into another world where fear is fun and screams are equivalent to happiness. The actors are good, the effects are better, and the animatronics are out of this world! I can't tell you the exact number of different scenes but they are abundant so you are never walking for two long without serious entertainment. It took my guest and me about an hour to finish the haunt and it was a fully packed hour with creepy feelings, jumps aplenty, and scares that would knock your socks off, if that was actually possible. This is a great haunt and recommend anyone over the age of 16 to go now.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The directions provided on the site are very good, I never have  trouble finding the gas station they refer to in their directions. Also there is one large sign on the road leading to the turn off by the gas station, and once you turn  the large sign in front and the visible bonfire and multitude of pumpkins says this is the place!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Once you buy your wristbands, you are instructed to join the rest of the waiting guests at the large bonfire. When at the bonfire you can warm up and listen to some ghost stories. They also have an LED sign that states the numbers they are allowing to go in. Also there are tons of pumpkins, a store, animals that are adorable, and refreshments including pizza.

Actors' Performance

The actors out in the field were excellently creepy. I especially liked the butcher in the butcher shop. Good frights are occurring nearly all the time and that is proved by all the screams you hear ahead of you and behind you.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

At Meadowbrook, when it comes to sets and props they truly one of the haunts people compare other haunts to because of their massive scale scenes and their one of a kind hand built pirate ship as well as the greatest animatronics I have seen.


This is another one of the reasons Meadowbrook is in an elite class of haunts. Total time in the haunted corn field is about 45 to 60 minutes. Just when you think you are nearing the end, you realize you are only half way through. It is one of the longest, if not the longest, haunt I have ever been to.

Crowd Control

Crowd control is very good. Their wristband system works well and they also have roped off lines once your numbers are called. There a plenty of people to ask questions if needed, and security is present.

Most Memorable Moment

My favorite fright this year was an animatronic octopus that came to life and walked back and forward towards me. This thing was huge and it freaked me out.


Overall, I treasure my time at Meadowbrook every year and look forward to it every year. It is one of the longest and impressive haunts in Wisconsin. Get up and go now or if it is not open check out their website and then go when they open.

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by spookshow_babe (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 1, 2010 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Low


One of my favorite haunted corn mazes is The Meadowbrook Haunted Cornfield, because other than the monsters waiting to frighten you in the maze, they offer such a great Halloween atmosphere as well. They offer many different fun and spooky things to do for both kids and adults, day and night.

I attended the farm in the evening, but during the day you can also take a walk through there haunted corn maze for those looking for a little less scares. At night, the corn maze becomes more frightening with more actors ready to jump out at you! During the day they have hay rides, an animal park/petting zoo, over 27 different varieties of pumpkins to chose from in the pumpkin patch, food and beverages while you wait to enter the maze and they do a very good job of creating a fun Halloween atmosphere with Halloween decorations set up around the farm.

The thing I enjoyed the most was the large bonfire they had for those waiting to enter the maze. One of the actors was telling ghost stories by the fire about how the land was really haunted and all the creepy things that had happened to him growing up on the farm. It was such a fun way to start the evening and stay warm while we waited.

Once we made our way into the maze, which was ¾ of a mile of trails through very tall and dense corn stalks, it was clear to me that it was going to be an exciting and creepy adventure. The props are some of the best ones I have seen in a haunt. They were original and did not look like the props you could easily buy from a Halloween store. They did a good job of using fog and strobe lights in some areas of the maze which could be a little disorienting at times and added to the fear of feeling lost in the maze. They used great animatronics in between actors to startle you and keep you on your toes, sometimes it was hard to tell if the shadow ahead was a person ready to chase you or a prop which kept the suspense high. I liked how there were areas throughout the maze with a theme, whether it was Pirates, Aliens, Ghosts or Werewolf's, it was fun to look at the detailed sets.

The wind blowing through the cornstalks kept me feeling as though someone was walking behind me and sometimes a monster was, which was always unexpected and frightening! The last room was probably my favorite because it was the scariest, I don't want to give anything away so I am not going to specify why, but trust me, just when you think you are in the clear, they throw in a little extra scare for you that you wont be ready for!

Signage / Visibility / Location

The location again is easy if you follow map quest directions. There will be a sign on the corner of the street you need to turn on to find it. The sign is not lit, so watch for it, there is a gas station on the other corner of the street.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait was not bad, they have plenty to do to keep you entertained while you wait. There was a large bonfire to keep us warm, with someone who grew up on the farm telling ghost stories about the property.

Actors' Performance

Over all they did a pretty good job, some more than others.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets and props were my favorite thing about the maze.


It took about 45 minutes to walk through, so dress warm!

Crowd Control

They did a good job of keeping groups together and keeping them spaced out so you did not run into them in the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

The bonfire and ghost stories were a lot of fun and really added to the spooky atmosphere. I also really loved when a monster was quick enough to sneak up behind me when I did not expect it... at the end of the maze there was a frightening surprise that I loved as well.. but I don't want to spoil it!


I really, really enjoyed Meadowbrook, it has so much to offer for kids and adults! They do a great job of bringing that Halloween atmosphere we all love this time of year! I will be back to see them again next Halloween season!

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