2015 Dominion of Terror Event Reviews
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1 total reviews. Showing 101 of 1 on this page.
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Please note: this review is for the 2015 season rather than the current season.
Kerry Koeppen
after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2015 at about 9:30 p.m.
Submitted: Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Dominion of Terror
:A Review
by Anonymous
Submitted: 10-27-15
A seemingly mundane October evening of channel surfing, blatantly died this night as I decided to tread the waters that be and dive down to our local haunted house here in Sheboygan, Wisconsin: the Dominion of Terror.
I have frequented this territory before, having gone through the past 4 years, this first thing one should know is that this little gem sparkles not only as a Spooktackular and foreboding Haunt, but one that totally rearranges itself season to season, meaning not ONE room is the same from the year before. My initial response was, shall I say TERRifying. Once again, these guys blew my mind in the opening sequence, having been all alone and left standing, querulous voices echoing amidst a draft from an entity coming from who knows where echoing its demented lament of heed! Little did I know this was the beginning of a 1/2 hour of dreaded anguish, and tingling uncertainties lying ahead of me in this labyrinth of licentiousness!
I must have counted at least 25 different rooms complete with their own sinister theme-every one detailed and meticulously created, produced an almost surreal 3-D effect of emotive madness hitting you from every angle, every corner of every room. To keep from being redundant, I will not give away the theme of each room, for this will not be my last time of going through this house this October, but will tell you this...words cannot express the cleverness and ingenuity these people put into this maze of misfortune! I came out very impressed, not just with the rooms but the atmosphere of the building itself, having been a 3 formidable Three Tiered Ramshackle of an old Warehouse.. LoL! I'm just getting the chills recreating it's appearance in my minds eye!..
So I dare You. Don't be stupid like me and go by yourself. If I wasn't as coquettish loner as I am, I sure would've packed a few extra pair of Hanes along with me; ( meaning this is not for the squirmish). Overall I give it a 4.75 out of 5. I truly recommend!
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