Please note: this review is for the 2022 season rather than the current season.

Sheboygan Asylum Ghost Investigations

by granny2five after attending on Saturday, November 19, 2022 at about 7 p.m.

Fun Factor: Not fun - I got a rock. Fear Factor: N/A


Attended the ghost hunt at Sheboygan Asylum, and it was not as I had expected. I've been extremely interested in all things paranormal for over 50 year's, so expected a more professional experience. They used cat balls (4 for $12.99 on Amazon), and other inexpensive equipment found easily on Amazon. They were trying to contact a child, but children didn't reside there, only people over 18 year's old. They were asking really ridiculous questions of the spirits, not yes or no questions. Also, a 12 year old daughter of one of the volunteers was quite noisy and annoying, while guests must be 14. We got no information about the history of the building, etc. All 4 of us in our group were disappointed that we each spent $70.


Don't waste your money. We felt like it was just a money making scheme. Nothing scary or interesting, just cat balls that lit up.

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March 24th, 2025 1:41 p.m. CDT 24.11.01