Please note: this review is for the 2018 season rather than the current season.

Abandoned Haunted House Complex

by dubstyle_2k (Senior Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 12, 2018 at about 9 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


The most boring part of Abandoned Haunted House Complex, and my time as a member of this review crew is having to write year after year that Abandoned Haunted House Complex is THE BEST haunt in the area, and I'm including all of the Chicagoland area as well. I'm going to be honest with all of you, Abandoned Haunted House Complex is still the best, and might put more effort into making their haunt the best, or possibly they are just that good that they have to put very little effort into it, I don't know, I just know I never leave there feeling disappointed or even a little let down. The place is beginning to end sensory overload, combined with top of the line props, and a cast that plays it so cool, they deserve all of the credit they get. I will refrain from going too in-depth, I really encourage you all to check this place out and experience it for yourself.

Abandoned Haunted House Complex is split into 3 separate haunts, just like the last few seasons, Ambush, Hysteria, and Stalker. They also have a Shoot the Freak option for $5, but I've never checked that out. It seems to be just shooting a trash talker with possibly paintballs, but I haven't checked it out that closely. Ambush and Hysteria are both in the style of your normal haunt, both have multiple themes going on, and both are done as good, if not better than any other haunt in the area. These two haunts run back to back, one leading into each other. Suffice to say, going through both of these haunts you will run the gamut of what every haunt has to offer, all styles are represented. Please note, I say these run into each other, it makes for a lengthy experience. Even if you only attend for these two haunts, expect to spend an 45+ minutes inside the two haunts.

The third of the haunts at Abandoned Haunted House Complex is Stalker. Stalker was introduced a few years ago, and in my opinion has improved by leaps and bounds this season. Stalker takes you through a combination of haunted cornfields, and staged indoor areas that are very well done. There were significantly less actors in the outside areas, but I think that was done by design, walking through the corn itself is already kind of creepy, so the occasional actor jumping out makes you more on guard; when is it going to happen?! The areas where you go inside are all different themes, but all pretty great, with more top of the line actors.

I mentioned that writing reviews for Abandoned Haunted House Complex is becoming boring because they are always the best, I did however experience this with haunt with a dear friend of mine, one of my oldest friends, and she gave me a whole new appreciation for Abandoned Haunted House Complex! Let's just say that she's the jumpy, screaming type... It was a blast seeing someone experience it on that level. This being my 10th season reviewing (oh wow!), I attend these haunts and enjoy the pageantry and technical stuff more than I get spooked by them. I love it all, but I don't do much jumping, call it desensitization, or whatever, I enjoy these haunts for how much work they put into them. She made me realize just how scary this haunt really is. She told me several times throughout the night that it was indeed terrifying, I believe her, she jumped and screamed enough to prove it! We also met a father and his teenage daughter who drove up from Illinois. I talked with him for a while and he had nothing but praises for Abandoned. He recommended some south of the border haunts to me, but assured me that this was one of the best ones he had ever attended. Please do yourself a favor, experience Abandoned Haunted House Complex for yourself, you will not be disappointed!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Okay, so if you're from the Kenosha/Racine area, you know getting to Abandoned Haunted House Complex is going to be a headache. If you are not, just know the Abandoned is located right off of the I94... an interstate that is completely tore up and nothing short of a mess. To access Abandoned you have to enter via the frontage road, which is NOW located behind the haunt. They have it very well lit and not hard to find, however finding an exit to get to said frontage road might prove difficult. I came from the Kenosha area, so I came up highway 11 in Racine, and it met up easily with the frontage road, I can't speak for how it is coming from the north. Abandoned always has searchlights so it's easy to find, just know you will have to jump through some hoops!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area of Abandoned Haunted House Complex is pretty great. There are roaming actors interacting with everyone, and they still have the big screen where they show videos. Personally I wish they'd show more horror related videos and less viral videos, but it's whatever. They also have a concession stand made to look like a 50s style diner. You'll love this as the neon lights go out on the N and R in the word DINER changes to say DI E !

Actors' Performance

The best of the best! I know a lot of haunts hire high school kids to work, and a lot of them are very good at what they do. Abandon's actors are as good as it gets, and if they are high schoolers, my hat goes off to each and every one of them. Regardless of who these actors are, they love what they do, they know how to unnerve you, and they are all excellent!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The best in the business. I mentioned my friend I attended with. Well, she's a funeral director, and at one point while walking through a scene involving an embalming, she turned to me and told me that they had an authentic machine they use to embalm bodies! That's how good the props at Abandoned Haunted House Complex are, they are real embalming equipment good!


Expect to spend a good 2 hours there if you do all three haunts.

Crowd Control

No issues, there are parking control, and employees all over there to help out.

Most Memorable Moment

Hard to say, seeing my good friend jump and scream the whole time is what I really took away from this! It's great from start to finish!


I'll say it again, Abandoned Haunted House Complex is the best haunt in the area. If you haven't been, it's a must, if you have, as I have every season they have been open, go again! It's that good!

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March 13th, 2025 2:38 p.m. CDT 24.11.01