Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

The Hill has Eyes

by Dave_to_the_Grind after attending on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


We've all heard the commercials for the Hill Has Eyes. A haunt is in it's first year located at The Rock in Franklin. The story of the haunt is an old landfill that became filled with toxic waste. This toxic sludge then turned the people living on the land nearby into a town of mutants. The Hill Has Eyes is home to 3 separate haunts, a beer tent and bon fires. It makes for a for a fun atmosphere.

The price for the entertainment is $23, $32 for a VIP pass, which I found pretty steep compared to other haunts. Though they pack a lot in for it. The beer tent available offers music and a few types of beer in the $4-$5 range. The tent has music playing for your enjoyment and an announcer that will let you know when it is your turn for the haunt. There's also a bon fire near the tent in a roped off area so you can warm up and enjoy a beer. There's also another bon fire going outside of the beer tent area to enjoy while you wait if you choose not to hang out by the beer tent. Word of caution: there are portable restrooms available by the entrance but there are are no restrooms available once you enter to the haunt. Plan ahead. Another word of advice - if it has rained recently you should wear old shoes. They do throw hay down on the trial which helps.

Once you're allowed to enter, you follow a path into a clearing in the woods. the area is littered with old cars, appliances and such giving you a feeling of entering an abandoned area. Each wait was around 10-15 minutes so it wasn't bad not having the VIP pass.

The first haunt Failed Escape sends you on a path into the woods. There's are a few structures and some of the villagers are out to torment you. Overall the majority of the scares are actors hiding and jumping out to startle you. There were a few scenes set up but nothing out of the ordinary that hasn't been done before. The haunt took about 15 minutes to get through and I was hoping to see more done with the toxic village story. It felt like an average outside haunt.

After the Failed Escape you exit back into the clearing and enter into the line for the Hunger Hollow haunt. The line moved quick and also had the VIP skip option. Once you enter through a small structure you begin a path through the woods. This haunt dealt with more of the after life. Just like the other haunt there were a few actors jumping out to scare you. There was a cool scene with pin head but it didn't fit the theme. The best part is you enter a clearing with a cemetery. This by far was the best part of the haunt with some awesome scares. This haunt seemed to go by pretty fast and was shorter than the first haunt.

The next event is the Scare Lift. Which takes you for a ride up the hill on the ski lift to the last haunt. The ride up the hill is a unique feature that is not offered at other haunts. Unfortunately there are no scenes to see or frights as you ride. The best thing we saw were bats flying around.

Once you reach the top, you're lead off into another line for the next haunt. This haunt is held in a large tent on the hill. This was different from the other two because you are in a confined space. You walk through narrow hallways, with different doors to chose from with various costumed actors jumping out to give you frights. This part lasted about 5 minutes. Once you exit you're finished with the experience and walk down the hill to the parking lot.

Overall, we all had a fun experience and it was different from other haunts we attended. Though people who are experienced with haunts will be disappointed. The Hill Has Eyes scares aren't very original and leaves a lot to be desired. I'd like to see more with the mutant village story, some more scenes and some unique surprises. It's their first year, so I'd expect in the future they'll add more. My advice would be to find a deal for a half price ticket, go check out the Hill Has Eyes, but for the regular $23 price you'll be disappointed with your investment.


We liked our evening at The Hill Has Eyes but those of us who experience several haunts a year were disappointed. This being it's first year I'd expect them to work on expanding the sets, stories, situations and frights. The actual haunts were fairly run of the mill and not original. We wished there would have been something cool done with the ski lift and more with the 2 haunts in the woods.

I'd check it out again next year to see if they expanded and changed but not for $23. Someone in my group bought a ticket at half price and on the way out said she was glad she paid under $15 for the experience.

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March 16th, 2025 2:34 a.m. CDT 24.11.01