Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.
by HocusPocus (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at about 2:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 15, 2012
Twelve years of creative, creepy and chilling concepts and counting for Terror on Rural Street. Unlike some haunts that showcase the same themes year after year I have never been disappointed at the Terror on Rurual Street. The Barber Shop, the snake room, Clown Funeral, the Mad Scientist and all new maze were a few of my favorite new rooms. Terror on Rural Street features 17 Cinema quality sets many of which are pimped out with a dedicated sound system and special effects you won't find any place else.
Terror on Rural Street is an interactive style haunt with each room showcasing a unique theme and a skit performed by volunteer actors. While the actors may be volunteers the costumes and make-up were professionally done and very realistic. Memorable acting performances included the bizarre barber and his unfortunate patron, the sinister scientist and his shocking secrets and who could forget the wretched witch and her collection of trophies.
Admittedly not all of the acting performances knocked my socks off nor did every room send me off screaming to the next. But what Terror on Rural Street lacked with its actors and potential scare factor it more than made up for with its dazzling special effects and elaborate sets. Scares and surprises frequently came from unexpected flashes of brilliant light, dedicated room specific sound systems and a variety of lifelike techno effects.
Here are some interesting tidbits for those of you who are particularly interested in the quality of your haunted experience or may just be wondering "how did they do that?"
* Each room and hallway is under constant surveillance by staff members with a very keen attention to detail. These staff members remain in contact with the ghouls and monsters lurking in the shadows and rooms around the haunt to ensure they are always perfectly positioned and timed to scare the bajeezus out of you and your fellow haunt goers.
* A staff of Professional theatrical make-up artists with over 25 years of experience volunteer their time at Terror on Rural Street.
* Terror on Rural Street is a not for profit organization. Proceeds from this event go to support Hartford Community Service Inc. Scholarships, Community Projects, and area Non Profit Organizations
* Curious about how this haunt can churn out so many new sets each year? A workshop full of additional sets and props found directly behind this haunt is used to construct new sets year around.
Don't let a full parking lot scare you away before this haunt does! Terror on Rural Street shares it's parking lot with the Schauer Art Center and the Wisconsin Automotive Museum. Not all the cars parked in the lots may necessarily be for Terror on Rural Street.
This haunt can be found right off the main drag (Hwy 60) in downtown Hartford. Look for the flashing sign to point you to the parking lot. Great location. An abundance of well lit parking and a warm place to hang out while you wait. The court yard between the waiting area and the entrance really set the tone nicely.
December 22nd, 2024 6:51 a.m. CST 24.11.01
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