Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by btweezy414 after attending on Monday, October 24, 2011 at about 2 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 24, 2011
On Saturday night myself and 4 friends had the chance to visit what I call Wisconsin’s would must see haunted attraction of the year. We arrived around 7:10pm to find an already busy site. They had a great grasp on crowd control from the moment you get in line to buy tickets. They had a designated line for those who purchased their tickets ahead of time online (Which by the way was a great deal with the early special only costing $20 for all 3 houses) and another line with a worker in the front that when you reached her she would then separate you into one of 3 ticket booth window lines. Once we paid, we received a very neat collector’s coin which would be used for getting you into line, and also a wristband for those who are doing all 3 haunts. The line took us about 1 hour to make it thru, but there was plenty from the actors who made sure you visit everyone in line, to TV with different events happening leading up to the haunt.
We started with Morgan Manor, which I would describe as a whole as the much more detail oriented (in regards to the sets) house. Each room, you stepped in gave you the complete feeling that you where actually in this setting for that moment. I think the house could have used a few more actors and surprises to scare the guest, but it was still enjoyable and had our group on the edge of their toes.
Next up was Morgana’s Torment, which is very much a touchy feely house. By that I mean be prepared to walk thru lots of spaces that challenge you to find your way thru the dark, while being squeezed by different objects. We had a group ahead of us that even joined our group as they got lost in the plastic pipe maze in the beginning. This house will push you to the limit, and don’t take your guard down for too long, as this house is not actor free.
Finally we have the Unstable the haunted barn, which is a very well done countryside massacre. The farmers and other creatures are not very happy to in the barn, and they want you to join in on the misery. As you push thru the animal parts and other farm related objects, the surprises, keep you guessing from all angles.
Best part of the haunt: In the barn when the actors heard someone say the name of a lady in are group named Cassie, they seemed to almost pass it on, so that when we continued to other parts of the barn, the farmers all knew her name and kept asking “Where’s Cassie?”.
Finding the event was very easy if you follow the instructions via their website or use a GPS. They also have it mentioned on the Waukesha Expo Center sign.
The event cost $30 the night of or $20 for those who purchased tickets online under the early bird special. This is a great deal considering it is for 3 houses and last around 45 minutes to an hour.
Overall, even if you only have time for one haunt this year, make it the Wisconsin Fear Grounds, you won’t be disappointed.
March 15th, 2025 10:13 p.m. CDT 24.11.01
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