Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.
by Kstar after attending on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at about 5:30 p.m.
Submitted: Monday, October 17, 2011
My friends and I went out to this one again, and although it was CRAZY BUSY, we had a BLAST!! These guys have not dissapointed us in the past, and yet again we were amazed with how they keep coming up with new ways to scare us!! All three of the houses were fantasticly desgined, phenominal detail, and the actors are non stop!!
Morgan Manor: An old decrepid manor with incredible detail, and actors who are EVERYWHERE!! Everytime you left one actor, there was another one creeping right up to you. They all have different ways to scare us. Completly original!! Each of the rooms are decorated in a fantastic and creepy way, to where you actually feel as though you are in an old manor. Loved every twist and turn!!
Morgan's Torment: This is a steller one to go through!! It's so dark, and they have you turned around six different ways, when you think you have it figured out and are almost out, you are trapped and turned around yet again!! Not to menation all of their actors just don't quit!!!! The guy climbing the walls was just pure insanity, I have not screamed like that since I was a kid.
Unstable: From the moment you entered the barn, till the time you left, it smelled like a barn of rotting death. The rooms in there matched the smell. All different kinds of hillbillies there to jump out at you, snaral, scream at you the whole way!! The incredable detail that has gone in to this one is so amazing, and the actors know how to use each and every little area to maximize they way they scare you.
Just pure AMAZING!!!!
March 16th, 2025 2:24 a.m. CDT 24.11.01
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