
Please note: this review is for the 2011 season rather than the current season.


by princesszombie after attending on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at about 6 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: High


This is one haunt worth checking out, they really take use of pitch black mazes, tight spaces and very loud sounds. At times it can be a sensory overload, but is still a fun time.

I am so glad this haunt has an indoor wait area, it was a chilly night when we went.

Overall, the actors did a good job. I wish that the actors would interact more with the group but in some of the rooms I can see where that isnt an easy task.

Sets were very good from what I could see, the lighting does kind of make really checking everything out a bit difficult. One room honestly looked like a scene out of a movie, don't want to give anything away.

We got there at 11 and we were back in the car by 1120. I wish it wouldve been longer.


Overall this is one haunt worth seeing. I wish they would bring somethings they had in sheboygan falls into this location because I really enjoyed the haunt there. If you are afraid of the dark this is one haunt that will get to you. Make sure the people in your group are going to be okay with get touched and bumped into a lot, sudden turns and pitchblack mazes make it impossible not to do this.

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