2010 Event Reviews

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221 total reviews. Showing 12 of 15 on this page (3 filtered).

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

House of Bathory (CLOSED)

by earthangel129 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


I first must admit that I was super excited to go to a haunt that combined two of my absolute favorite things, Alice in Wonderland and haunted houses.  I loved the terrain changes and all the crawling, sliding, and squeezing that came along with these changes.  The vortex was wonderful and you were lead into it through a room that was decorated the same with people who blended into  the walls of both.  In my opinion, these actors worked wonderfully to entertain their guests.  There were many scenes that very interesting to visit, including a room where Alice seems to grow taller and shorter right in front of your eyes!  The combination of Wonderland characters and movie serial killers including Jason Voorhees seemed a bit odd but actually worked well.  They definitely got great screams out of our group.  Overall, this is a  haunt like one you have never seen before, part play, part haunt, and all extremely eerie fun.  I highly suggest taking the trip down the rabbit hole into the House of Bathory.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The directions to House of Bathory are easy to follow and the line outside indicates that you are in the right place.  There is one storefront window that is decorated and has the name is large print.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait, we were told was about an hour and a half  from where we were in line.  The line was not too long but don't let that deceive you.  The line is both to buy tickets and to enter so only a few people are let in every 15 to 20 minutes.  This is because the haunt is extremely interactive and the most people in a group that they want, from what I saw, was a group of eight.  There was not much for line entertainment and when I arrived I was a bit confused about where to go.  So we just went to the end of the line. 

Actors' Performance

This is truly the attraction of this haunt.  The actors each portrayed either a character from  Alice in Wonderland or a famous movie killer like Freddy Krueger.  Some of the interaction is extremely funny and some is seriously spooky.  I really enjoyed the Mad Hatter and March Hare and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.  The twins dialog was spot on with the actual lines from the classic novel.  These actors seemed like a professional troupe which I do believe some are. 

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The scenes were mostly direct out of the book with small changes to enhance the creepiness.  The costumes were excellent.  I want to give a loud shout-out for the March Hare outfit, which seemed to be fashioned in the Ralph Steadman style, i.e. the illustrator for Hunter S. Thompson.  The scenes were colorful and some were extremely detailed like the Tea Party room. I thought the terrain changes were excellent.  Also, the audio that loomed over you was both intriguing and chilling.  Make sure to pay attention to the Alice song they play.


We arrived around 10:30 and were let in at 11:15 but this amount of time is not the norm.  From start to finish the haunt lasts about 25 minutes.However, it seems even longer because of the amount of interaction with the actors and the time spent in each scene.

Crowd Control

There was security there however I believe I only saw one.  He was outside of the haunt towards the beginning and would every once in a while come down the line to check for anything out of the ordinary.  There were no ropes or barricades to show where the line was suppose to be.  However, the line is just straight back from the entry of the haunt along the sidewalk.

Most Memorable Moment

For me, the most memorable moment was when I was leading the group crawling on our knees under a table and I felt something touching my head.  I disregarded it while crawling under assuming it was a table cloth.  Once my head cleared the table and I still felt something near my head.  I quickly turned my head to check out what it was and immediately screamed and jumped because Freddy Krueger was about an inch away from my face.  It was an epic fright!


Overall, this haunt is amusing, funny, creepy, and interactive.  If you enjoy great acting and love to be part of the haunt, this is the place for you.  The Alice in Wonderland theme is both wonderfully woven in and a contemporary chilling version of the original.   I loved it !  Make sure this haunt is on your list to visit.

View all House of Bathory (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Dominion of Terror

by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Dominion of Terror was excellent on every aspect. Fun and dedicated staff, terrific acting, and a lengthy haunt guarantees you won’t be disappointed with this one. There were sets in Dominion that were so realistic, I was actually questioning if this old building really had a diner or hospital in it! Actors performances were tops! The devil character was one actor that showed a dedication that is so rare. This is one haunt that will not disappoint!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Located of a pretty busy road, Dominion of Terror is easy to find, you won’t miss the sign, and the large group of people waiting to get
into the haunt.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Dominion of Terror had a very long line, however, it was well controlled, and was definitive and easy to find. For a few
extra bucks, you can purchase a speed pass that will get you to the front of the line. There were a few actors roaming the grounds, they were all
great. One actor, who was wearing some sort of cloth bag over his head, was very interactive, and even waited outside the port-o-potty while my friend
was inside, and spooked her as she exited, very amusing.

Actors' Performance

Actors here are some of the best. Their makeup was fairly realistic, especially the girl at the dentist set, her mouth appeared stretched and in serious trauma.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Sets, scenes, and props at Dominion of Terror are top notch! This attraction included some of the best sets I have ever
witnessed at a haunt. A good portion of the props are actual furniture that would be in a diner, hospital and dentist office.


From start to finish, Dominion of Terror will take you about 30 minutes to get through.

Crowd Control

The workers at this haunt, along with the actors roaming the grounds, did an excellent job keeping things under control. All staff at Dominion are super friendly and will go above
and beyond to make sure you are having a great time.

Most Memorable Moment

It is hard for me to pick just one, so I am going to give you my three! First of all, the Vortex was excellent, but to top it all off, they have you exit the Vortex into a room with uneven floors and slanted walls, talk about disorientating! Next I really liked the bounce room. This room has creeps bouncing off the walls and floors, what a fun job! Finally The Diner scene was terrific! I have never seen a scene like this, authentic and fun!


Dominion of Terror might be my new favorite haunt! From terrain changing rooms to psychopathic ghouls lurking around every corner, this haunt is a blast from start to finish. I can't wait until my next trip to Dominion of Terror!

View all Dominion of Terror reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Schuster's Haunted Forest

by blazepi13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Schuster's Haunted Forest is one of the many fall activities at Schuster's Playtime Farm in Deerfield, WI.  I was really excited to go to an outdoor haunt at a farm and really didn't know what to expect - a quaint little farm with a few patrons and a petting zoo?  Sure, their playfully-decorated website talks a big talk (http://schustersfarm.com/haunted-forest/) but could this "playtime" farm really bring the big scares?  

My jaw dropped when Mr. K (the easily frightened), Mr. G (the curmudgeon), and I arrived at our destination.  There were TONS of cars parked in huge lot, a huge ticket line, and another line weaving between two buildings.  I DEFINITELY underestimated this place!  The wait was pretty long - about 30 minutes in a line to get tickets and about an hour and a half waiting to take the ride to the forest.  Another 30 minute wait awaited us at the forest entrance and there was about a 10-15 minute wait at the end of the haunt.  There were plenty of treats around to keep us occupied and 'Children of the Corn' was projected on the side of the building by the wait to get on the "wagon," so that was nice, but be prepared for a long wait!  
The ride out to the Haunted Forest was our favorite part - hold on to your seats!  The haunt itself had its strong points (the ghoul who kept scaring me in the line to get into the forest and a particular clown-laden section of the forest stand out to me) and its weaker points where some actors seemed a bit tired of doing the same thing over and over.  For the most part, however, the energy was high and the scares just kept coming!  
As always, Mr. K was holding on tight for most of the forest - this haunt is definitely not for the younger kids!  Mr. G didn't appreciate the long waits in what was a line of 99% 13-18-year olds (clearly the target audience).  Everyone at Schuster's Haunted Forest clearly seemed to be having a great time, however, and it was definitely quite the experience!  I can't finish this review without recommending that everyone buy some of the Kettle Corn being sold on the site.  I think we ate the entire bag in about 10 minutes!  Delicious!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Because Schuster's Haunted Forest is such a big attraction with a huge draw, I would recommend just following all the other cars in that area!  It's definitely easy to find!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait is LONG!  We estimated our total time waiting (from ticket purchase to arriving back to the farm after the haunt) was about 2h45m.  This could depend on your arrival time (we arrived around 8pm), but I would definitely recommend arriving early and preparing for the wait!  Bring warm clothes as all of the waiting is outdoors.

Actors' Performance

The actors' performances varied from fantastic to a little confused, but all-in-all they did a great job.  We kept being scared in various ways throughout.  

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The setting is great - what's better than a dark forest to set the creepy mood!  The "wagon" transportation to the forest is pretty amazing, as well - a gigantic tractor driven by the creepiest of old ladies hurls you left and right through a corn field.  Prior to leaving the main area while sitting in the wagon you are played a story that we think was giving us a little background on the Haunted Forest but we couldn't hear a single word.  The scenes throughout the forest were great, but my personal favorite (and one I ran straight through, eyes mostly covered) was the clown-filled carnival.


The wait, as I said before, was tremendous, and the haunt itself lasted about 30 minutes.

Crowd Control

We only ran into another group once during the forest but only, I think, because Mr. K was pushing us through a bit!  We held up for a half a minute and then never ran into anyone else.

Most Memorable Moment

Standing in line waiting to get into the forest I kept laughing at the people who were getting scared by the "Death" character who kept pacing throughout the line.  At one point I turned around to talk to Mr. K, and started to say something when I realized I was staring at Death who had been standing there, patiently waiting for me to notice him.  I screamed so loud I had everyone around me giggling.  Well played, Death...well played.


I had a great time at Schuster's Haunted Forest, though I could have done without all of the waiting.  Not that I didn't enjoy the wait and the smells of the caramel apples wafting over me, but I wasn't expecting to spend over three hours at the farm that night!  So be prepared to wait and I think you'll have a fantastic time.  Not only was the Haunted Forest a treat, I definitely think I will go back to Schuster's during the day.  What a great place!

View all Schuster's Haunted Forest reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Terror on the Fox

by HalloweenKing after attending on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


Main house was very detailed and the train was awesome. Loved the walk through the woods to the house very crepy feel. Not super scary but the monsters and music really get u pumped

View all Terror on the Fox reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.


by HalloweenKing after attending on Friday, October 22, 2010 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: N/A


The coffin circle room was very neat.actor need a little work but they had energy and I had a lot of fun. The maze was fun some how lost my girlfriend

View all Dr. SCary's (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Terror on Rural Street

by HalloweenKing after attending on Friday, October 22, 2010 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Fun creative haunt always changing. Fun rooms crowd spacing was good

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Wisconsin Feargrounds

by HalloweenKing after attending on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at about 4:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Low Fear Factor: N/A


Over all very detailed haunt. Its to bad that it was one giant line through the whole thing. Morgan manor has a lot of deatil a a few good actors but it was soooo busy they didn't space out the groups between and so we didn't get scared the only thing that creeped me out was the doll chick with no eyes that was messed up. The girl in the fire place was very annoying. Torment was a little better but again we were just shoved through. Unstable had a very creepy feel for it but again there was very little space between groups so very little scare. The guys or girls crawling were creepy and scared my girl. Then last there was the maze haunt which I was told the "glove we're off" that we would be lost for a long time. We were out in under 5 min and a guy in an old man mask kept shoving me through. Not scary and felt I didn't get my moneys worth

View all Wisconsin Feargrounds reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Schuster's Haunted Forest

by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 22, 2010 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: High


This was my first year attending Schuster's Haunted Forest and was really impressed with all the activities they offered for you to do, especially during the day.

At the beginning of the haunt they take you on a tractor trailer ride. To me this is the most creative transportation that I have yet to see at a haunt. You feel like you are being loaded up into a fenced in trailer that will lead you to your death.

The haunt itself I was a little disappointed with. It started off kind of slow with not a lot of actors involved to scare you. They do have different scenes set up throughout the woods but it just seemed like there was something missing. I love the haunts that interact with you and make you part of the scene, and this was missing that aspect so maybe that had something to do with it. It could also be the fact that it was 11pm by the time I actually got in and the actors were getting tired.

At the end, you are then loaded back up on the trailer and taken back to the parking area.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The location of this haunt was kind of hard to find. They do have a sign with lights out front but it is in the middle of no where so you don't really know where it will be on the hwy.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

I had to wait in 3 different lines at this haunt. The first one being the ticket line. While waiting in line I got a chance to peak at the map of their grounds to see what they had to offer and it was really cool all the things they had set up. The second line I waited in was to get onto their tractor right that leads you to the actual woods. They had a movie set up to play but for whatever reason they forgot to push play on the movie. The third and final line was in the woods waiting for your turn to go in. They had a man outside with a shotgun greeting you.

Actors' Performance

To me I felt that it needed a few more actors in place. The actors they did had did a good job at staying in character and were right on cue with their scripts.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets they had were pretty good. I will say I was very impressed with their grave yard scene. Just the atmosphere surrounding it made it perfect. Overall, just the fact of being the woods scares me so they did a good job.


This was definitely a longer haunt. Be prepared for a wait though. I waited for about 2 hours to get in and then about 45 minutes to walk the entire haunt.

Crowd Control

For it being a busy night, I felt they did a good job with crowd control. At one point I did run into the group ahead of me but the actors did a good job at holding us back so it didn't happen again.


Overall, this was a pretty good haunt. I would recommend it to anyone over the age of 13.

View all Schuster's Haunted Forest reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Elements of Fear

by x0char0x (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Low


Elements of Fear is the perfect haunt to take kids ages 8-12 to. It isn't as gory or scary as the haunts that I am used to. However, they did a good job at putting it all together. Every actor kept in character and made the scenes really come to life.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The location of this haunt is very easy to find. It is located right on 27th street in Milwaukee, you can't miss it

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area was in a small room inside of their school. There was a movie playing but nothing else really going on.

Actors' Performance

The actors were much younger than I am used to in a haunt, but don't think that they didn't know what they were doing. They had the perfect amount of energy to keep you entertained throughout the entire thing.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The scenes were pretty good. The seance room was extremely neat and different. They had the right amount of effects going on to make it seem real.


The length was a little on the short side. I would say it took me about 10 minutes to walk through the entire thing.

Crowd Control

They had a lettering system for their groups. They spaced them out enough so you wouldn't run into another group.


Overall, they did a good job with this haunt. I'm used to the more scary in your face haunts but like I said this is perfect for smaller kids.

View all Elements of Fear reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by deadgein after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I went through both indoor houses and the haunted woods. Let me just say they could not have been more appropriately named. First off I went through the haunted woods of Phobia. It does play with your darkest fears. It is dark, creepy and very scary. You have no clue which way the monsters are coming from. They are all over those woods, some even seemed to come right out of the ground. Next I went through Adrenaline. Your classic dark maze haunted house. It did a great job really getting your blood pumping. It was filled with a ton of jump scares from both actors and automated fun. The maze got really crazy in the middle when we swore we were going in circles. The full size train also sticks out as a memorable moment. Finally we went through my favorite part of the whole place, Insanity. This couldn't have a better name. It is an all out attack on your senses. It had rooms that messed with your eyes, rooms that were all uneven, rooms that spun and featured some crazy actors that were great to interact with. I am a big fan of gore and I will not forget that disgusting clown that covered us in blood. That was one of the most memorable and shocking things I have seen at a haunt.


I have attended haunted houses throughout the state, but this was my first visit to the Burial Chamber. I had kept hearing about it's reputation so I had to check it out for myself. It did not disappoint. It is by far one of the best Haunt experiences I have ever had. The actors are the best part of the whole experience. They have a very talented staff that seem to really enjoy what they do. Quite the variety of scares from actors from shouters, gigglers, crawlers, climbers to the down right disturbing. This is a must visit attraction that I plan to make a yearly tradition.

View all Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by LoverLover1234 after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


It was amazing, I loved it so much!!


I loved it so much this is probably the coolest thing i have been at so far in my life!!

View all The Haunted Mansion (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Dominion of Terror

by katie_kiesow13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 22, 2010 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


By far my favorite haunt I've visited so far this year!!! It was put together incredibly well, I appreciated how long it lasted, and it was absolutely entertaining! When you get there, the wait is outside in lines and they do have a few clowns in the lines with you to keep you scared and entertained. Once inside, it is instantly creepy. The rooms are all redone from last year and a lot of them were really innovative and interesting - different from things I've seen at other haunts. The floors are uneven (especially in the room with the coffin!) and the walls are diagonal in places... it really messes with your senses. The restaurant/kitchen is absolutely revolting... but great! My favorite area was probably the hospital - every room in that area was fascinating. The make-up, the props, the fx, it was all so well done and so well put together... it was awesome. The actors throughout the haunt were phenomenal - they timed their scares perfectly and they were interactive and worked off of the group walking through the haunt. I highly recommend this haunt to everyone!

Signage / Visibility / Location

I used my GPS and I've been here before so it was pretty easy to find. A big sign in the front of the building designates that you're in the right place.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The wait area is outside, so dress appropriately for the weather. There are a few entertaining actors in clown suits walking around.

Actors' Performance

For the most part, the actors were really quite good in this haunt. They really worked off of the crowd and had a lot of interaction with us, which is always appreciated. And there were a lot of them, too. I think there was maybe only one or two rooms in the house that I didn't see any actors at all, most rooms had more than one. They were great!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The attention to detail this year was just incredible. They used the space in this building flawlessly. It felt like the haunt really flowed from one room to the next, which was nice. The scenes/sets were all decorated really well. The actors makeup was incredible - especially in the hospital scenes. I liked how different a lot of the areas were compared to other haunts. I've never seen a "white, padded room" or uneven flooring/walls to mess with your senses. It was incredible.


The wait was about 40 minutes after we got in line and it took us probably 20-25 minutes to walk through the entire haunt. This was by far the longest walk-through I have experienced this year.

Crowd Control

It wasn't really necessary outside the haunt. Inside we never ran into the groups in front of us and no one caught up with us.

Most Memorable Moment

The rooms I remember the most clearly were the restaurant and the hospital scenes. They'll stay with me a long time....


Highly recommend this haunt to anyone in the area or willing to drive. It was spectacular!

View all Dominion of Terror reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Mars Haunted House - CLOSED-

by DarkWolf1088 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 22, 2010 at about 4 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Well all I can say is WOW! This haunt is branded as the best in Milwaukee and now I have seen that not only is this true but why it deserves this title. I have to tell you now that I had to go through this haunt TWICE in order to take in all the work that this haunt has put into its house. I was amazed.

I was most impressed that this haunt really relies on its actors. I have seen too many haunts that have turned to relying on animatronics and not on actors that to see what the Mars actors were capable of was extremely refreshing. I spoke with the manager of the haunt who you could tell is proud of his actors, as he should be. These actors will absolutely blow your mind!

Next to the actors the haunt's scenes and sets were just as impressive. You really could not tell that you were in an old office building. The sets were so expansive and well made that it was hard to focus on anything else. I sometimes found myself just starring at the scenes and of course the actors used this time to their advantage.

A lot of hard work was put into this haunt. Everything looks as if it was done for a Hollywood horror movie...the makeup, the sets, the lighting...everything. Needless to say I really enjoyed this haunt.

The level of passion that those who work this haunt is really admirable. They really help to set the tone of the haunt. Depending on the person this passion is going to build up sweet anticipation or dread of what is to come. Either way it is quite a thrill.

Simply put these guys go all out and it provides for one heck of a ride!

Signage / Visibility / Location

You cannot miss the location of this haunt. No matter what direction you are coming from once you are on Historic Mitchell Street just look for the hearse, with smoke coming out of it, parked in front of a liquor store. Further you will definitely see the creeps and ghouls from the haunt waiting outside for you! If you miss it you probably need your vision checked :p

Note: Do not worry about parking. There are ample places to park including the street. You will see parking meters but those only run up to 6PM on any given night so no need to worry about spare change.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Although the line was not incredibly long when I arrived the haunt had a system set-up to control the line's movement. The haunt also had a few of its creeps and ghouls out and about taunting and teasing those awaiting entrance. For most it was entertaining and for others it was freaking them out...which was also enjoyable. Finally the haunt moved people through very quickly. I got in line and only ended up waiting about 4 minutes. Thus, this haunt is one of the few where the wait, itself, is also entertaining.

Actors' Performance

One word...AMAZING! The actors at Mars really put their all into their performance. They really got into character. Both my dad and I spoke with actors and they only replied as their character would let them. If their character could speak then they only replied with how their type of character could reply. It really was like watching a movie.

Further these men and women NEVER faltered or got tired. Even my second time through...30 minutes later...these guys were still going at it strong. These actors are dedicated! It was the actors that made the haunt. The sets and scenes only complimented their actions...which is how it should be.

As I already mentioned the best part with these actors is that you could interact with them which pulled you even further into the experience. If there was an Oscar Award Show for haunted houses I would give each of these actors an Oscar. It was just that amazing. You have to go and check these guys out. You will be impressed.

Finally these actors know how to scare. They know when to jump out and they know when hide in the shadows. These actors are good!

Also I have to give a shout out to two female actors that really stuck with their roles. The girl playing the statue and the girl playing the crawler. Excellent job!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Again...excellent. The sets, scenes, props, and effects used in this haunt all appeared as if they were out of Hollywood. The haunt really knows how to immerse you into their world. Finally they know how use their sets to foster the best scare possible.

All I will leave you with is that there are PLENTY of places for actors to pop out of and hide in.


The length was great. The whole thing took about 30 minutes. You really do get the bang for your buck with this haunt.

Crowd Control

No problems here. The haunt had a ropes cordoning off where to stand. Further a Milwaukee police officer was on hand to assure that everyone had a good time.

Most Memorable Moment

Easily the most memorable moment is my first interaction with an actor. I cannot say enough about how good the Mars actors are. You can really interact with them and the interaction will always be different. It really makes for quite an experience.


From beginning to end this haunt immerses you into their world. I promise you that even when the haunt is over you will likely find one last scare to be had. This haunt is definitely the best in Milwaukee. A 5 out 5 across the board. If you are out to go to a haunted house this Halloween you have to make Mars Haunted House one of your stops.

View all Mars Haunted House - CLOSED- reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Schuster's Haunted Forest

by louiscyphre (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Schuster's is a great nighttime-on-a-spooky-working-farm haunt, with much to keep you occupied and setting a monstrously good mood that one only gets in the wonderfully isolated wilds of Wisconsin -- Shadowy Wisconsin Farms In the Middle of the Night, we salute thee!.  

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find, follow Google, right off the main highway.  If you're coming from Madison and you get to Deerfield proper, you've gone too far.  Be warned, though, it's out there on it's own, you are really stranded in the middle of nowhere, nestled within spooky undulating cornfields and rolling hills....oh, and parking is on a huge grass lot, so be prepared if it's been raining, I could see this getting messy.  

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

These guys do a bang-up job, we waited literally about 1.5 hours, and it went by fast; there are two waits before you get to the haunt proper, but because it's all spaced out (and there's a hair-raising ride in a filthy cattle pen/cage thingy in the middle of one of them, more on that later), it seems like not a lot of time has passed. 

There are all kinds of things to do while waiting in the first line, there's a bakery barn where they sell pumpkin baked goods and cookies and fudge and some other kinds of stuff like pumpkin carving kits, and there's also a food stand where you can get stuff like burgers and popcorn, oh and they sell fresh kettle corn, which appears to excite many people.  There's also a corn maze (that I think you can wander around in after dark, too) and there appeared to be lots of things for kids to do, but they seemed to be closing by the time we got there, so be warned.  They also have the original Children of the Corn movie projected onto the side of one of the barns while you're waiting patiently, nicely adding to the mood; nothing like a 20 foot tall closeup of Malachi's screaming face to get you all revved up for some corn-fed horror!

Second wait is different, you're dropped off at the edge of a dark forest and have to find your way up a path to a leaning, fire-lit cabin, and there's nothing connected to the "real world" anymore, so take those potty breaks and fill those tummies before stepping foot in the cattle pen, people!  They rev up the terror at the final wait, with an awesome chainsaw guy at one point who literally split the line down the middle with his swingin' chainsaw.  Also, be warned, shots will be fired at one point, so pack your kevlar, although they appeared to be shooting into the air while we were there.  Maybe we got lucky.  

Actors' Performance

Consistently most excellent -- ghouls are obviously thinking about their roles here and some have clearly developed little patters or styles; love that sometimes they approach you and try to talk to you or warn you, other times they walk around and make unsettling noises, other times they just stand or lay there, other times they just want you to come up and see them.  Shout out to the hordes of clowns this haunt apparently employs, and to one of the best things in the whole haunt, the creepy creepy creepy little old lady with the hands of a man, who does announcements and drives the cattle-pen-pulling tractor, she is one awesome spook; nothing like watching an old lady in a headscarf hang off the side of a cattle pen turning her head awkwardly and silently up toward the stars, and then suddenly jumping over the cage wall and trying to grab the waiting patrons!  This guy deserves something for this performance, and damn, he's freaking funny, too.  That quivering voice, yeesh....

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Setting is terrific, and, as above, they do a wonderful job of setting the mood, with loud and unexpected sounds and a general atmosphere of isolated rural creepiness.  I mean, how can you not start to feel something when you're loaded into a rusting cattle pen dragged behind a speeding tractor driven by some crazy old lady who was just a few minutes ago trying to grab people?  And man, that lady has one hell of a lead foot!  

Within the haunt proper, you're basically wandering up and down this hillside in a dark forest and coming upon scenes, sometimes in little houses or structures, sometimes just outside under the moon.  There appears to be a little story playing out at times, I think you're told the basis for it by the Little Old Lady's Animatronic Sister, but we weren't able to hear it due to some annoying tweens talking about important issues that apparently concern them more than listening to the story they just paid $12 for!  I think the story has to do with a Family Stew or something, I would advise listening more closely to this, I think it puts some things in the haunt into a clearer context.

Schuster's also plays with your senses, smells and sounds and physicality (not to give it away, but claustrophobics  might want to pack a little extra valium for the hanging hemp rope scene (I think it might have been a mine, but am unsure).  There is also precious little animatronic stuff in this haunt, praise Satan, and more emphasis on the little scenes and ghoulwork; people come at you from all angles, and not always just to yell loudly in your ear, sometimes they just want to be of assistance...assisting you right into a trap! 

Oh, and for those of you who love a carnival, you'll be happy to know you've been taken into account here and the joy and wonder of a carnival is hereby corrupted quite nicely.  


At one point, apparently broken down en route to clown college (or more likely the clown penitentiary), you have to walk through an abandoned school bus....filled with delightful clowns who are not particularly helpful, let me tell you.  Awesome clownwork here, people!  Also love the military mannequin, and the troll around the bridge with the long long nose and the unsettling approach and retreat.  Oh, and try the Ghoul Aid, it's quite...surprising.  


Took about a half hour to get through, just right.  Also felt that they do such a good job with the lead-up to the haunt while you're waiting that that's actually part of the fun.  Plenty of entertainment here.  

Crowd Control

Good job, never ran into another group, they space you out in groups and are willing to be flexible to accommodate people; we had a really large group and they offered to let us all go in together, but we decided to split it up, which worked nicely.  Too large of a group = too many people who don't get the full scare.  

Most Memorable Moment

--Little Old Lady with the Man Hands
--So many wonderful clowns


Most excellent haunt of the kind one only gets in Wisconsin, this is part of why I love living here.  I suspect Schuster's has been doing this for a long time, and it shows; they seem to have things down to a science and it's got a great home-grown feel to it.  No fancy flashing store/convention-bought horrors here, my children, just a bunch of imaginative people and a dark forest and an urge to scare the crap outta ya.  

One tip, though, we thought we were being all cool and went on the night of a full moon, and this both added to the fun, in that it's cool looking out over the hills or up past the trees in the creeping moonlight, and detracted from it, in that we could see things a little too clearly sometimes, and so some of the scares weren't as effective as they could have been.  I would advise attending on the darker evenings, if possible, if you want the full effect.  Whatever the case, though, it's a thoroughly enjoyable haunt that has a lot going for it -- you can make a whole night of this one if you want, and you'll definitely get your money's worth.  

View all Schuster's Haunted Forest reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.


by kaironman after attending on Monday, October 25, 2010 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


I loved it. I went with my dad and we both had a great time. It was both of our first time there. We both LOVED IT!!!!!!


WHen You first get there, you paty and then you go through the forest. It was pitch black and we both got scared. After the forest, you wait around a bonfire untill you number is called. We had to wait like an hour whch wasn't all that bad, but it seemed endless. Good thing there were people there scaring you. Then you get to go inside. It is pith plack inside and you have to walk single-file. The people inside are pretty scary and are very good actors. The ending is amazing. And I don't want to spoil it for you.

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