Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by katie_kiesow13 (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 15, 2010 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


The Hubertus House of Horror has quite a few unique characteristics that I haven't seen used in any other haunt this year - which I thoroughly enjoyed! When you arrive, you can purchase your tickets and wait in a heated area where they serve concessions and can even play arcade games. Although it's not scary (though there are some actors in costumes walking around), it's really nice to have something to do when the wait can be quite long -about an hour and fifteen minutes when we were there- and to be able to stay warm is well worth it.

Once you're on your way into the house... the bus is fantastic and something I've never seen before. The house (school) featured plenty of different rooms so it keeps you entertained. The other thing that's different in this house which I had never experienced before was 3D glasses! They hand them out and you wear them through I think 3 or 4 different rooms and the paint like... comes off of the walls... it's a crazy feeling! It was kind of difficult to keep the glasses on, and I felt a little dizzy... but I thought it was something different and new and I applaud this haunt for trying something outside the box! Overall, I enjoyed this haunt for it's innovation and new ideas, but I wasn't entirely scared through the majority of it. Definitely a good choice for a younger crowd, though!

Signage / Visibility / Location

Quite easy to find using a GPS or following directions from the website. Plenty of signage to get you there.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

A nice heated area to keep you busy and entertained. Food concessions are offered as well. A few actors walking around in costume, but nothing too creepy.

Actors' Performance

I thought that many of the actors did a good job. The first guy that we encountered (a man in all silver) was excellent. He held me back while all of my friends got on the bus and he was really great. Also I liked the girl in the Freddy room.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

I thought the sets were really well done. These excellent volunteers here obviously put a lot of time and effort into this haunt and it shows!


The wait was a little over an hour when we arrived and the walk through the house took maybe twenty minutes. I thought it was pretty good for the price.

Crowd Control

They use a ticket system like most other haunts, so you don't have to wait in line the whole time. Though little other crowd control was necessary.

Most Memorable Moment

Probably the bus ride.


I would recommend this haunt to those who are easily spooked and enjoy a new and innovative haunt with activities, rooms, and characters you haven't seen elsewhere.

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March 14th, 2025 4:37 a.m. CDT 24.11.01