Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.


by HannahBalLecter after attending on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


First of all, i was glad that the lines were small, but that may have been due to the fact that it was the last day of the season. However, they way they split us up into groups was sort of weird... The entrance to the house was a little lacking, i felt that they could have done more with that, since it is your first impression of the house. The next rooms were pretty good though. I liked all the narrow dark hallways and things that "jumped out"... especially the wall of spikes. That one confused me, but in a good way The scenes were good, but maybe not well thought out, but i do give them kudos for the hiding spots they had.... and they would have one thing to distract you while something else would come at you from another angle. The actors, however, could have been better They didn't interact much with us or with each other or their rooms... all they did was run out, thrash around a bit, hit stuff, and disappear. In fact, i didn't even hear any of them say a single word, they just grunted and growled. I expected more from them. The other problem i had was the size. They had a lot of space that seemed wasted. They also claim to be the "largest single haunted house" in the state, but they don't use it and i also doubt that claim because it only took us 15 minutes to get through, and we went so slow that the group behind us caught up! For costing $15, I was expecting a better show. Also, the outside isn't well done like other houses are... they had only one sign that was very hard to read, and no music while you waited... the only music was in the house. Splatter Haus definatley could have been better.


Not the best house by far, but it was mildly entertaining. Maybe in the top 10 in the state, I guess. It definatley didn't live up to the hype and it cost way too much considering the mediocre quality... not proffessional by any means, so i'm just goning to call it "ok."

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