Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED)

by Niffer after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


This is not your typical Haunt, of boo I scared you.
Very unique story line, and the fact that it is in a celler type fall out shelter basement is very cool.
Actors REALLY into it.
Some chic being ripped apart, we all had to do a double take. Blood and guts looked REAL, and her screaming almost made me want to dial 911.

Lots of great effects, NOT your purchased at a halloween store props.

Awesome makeup work. Very convincing.

Crazy dude glowing, people exploding, elevator rides (in a basement , to cool)
Some funny dude with a mop. (I think I am in love)


Just an all around good time we had.
Hoping to make it again this weekend.

View all Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag (CLOSED) reviews

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March 14th, 2025 4:48 a.m. CDT 24.11.01