
Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Haunted Forest and Cornfield at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm

by dubstyle_2k (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at about 6 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


Meadowbrook is always one of the highlights of the season for me.  This year was a bit different, but good none the less.  We arrived, the parking was ample.  Decorations on the outside were the same as years past, highlighted by the Killer Clowns From outerspace exhibit and the penned animals that at times can freak you out.  Nothing scarier than a goat making noises when you are not expecting it!  We got our wristbands and headed to the campfire, where a gentleman was
telling ghost stories, this is new to me, there was no fire the last
time I was there.  After about 20 minutes listening to stories and warming up by the fire, our numbers were called and we proceded to the line.  This line would have been uneventfull, had it not been for the above mentioned animals, it was fun watching them.  After about 20 minutes in this line we entered the cornfield.  The cornfield had AMAZING effects, I couldn't even begin to guess how much money was spent on props and electricity.  There were a minimal amount of actors in the haunt, which was a little dissapointing to me, I would have liked more interaction.  With that said Meadowbrook went above and beyond decorating the haunt.  The best part, by far was an animitronic at the end that was reminiscent of an alien from the Alien films, fery good detail and very big!  The field took a good 45 minutes to an hour to get though.  In all, Meadowbrook is probably the best haunt for your money, long and detailed, Meadowbrook knows what they are doing! 

Signage / Visibility / Location

The directions provided on the site take you to where you need to go, The large sign in front and the visable bonfire don't hurt either!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The bonfire before the line definately help warm you up, in years past I remember waiting in that line for, what seemed like, forever, freezing.  The line itself was shorter due to this, but no real entertainment, aside from some penned animals.

Actors' Performance

There were few actors in the field, the ones that were there were pretty good, the corn all around them made it hard for them to "sneak" up on you, but they did well.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

A++++, the best props this side of the Rocky Mountains!  but seriously, unbelievable stuff, these people know what they are doing and don't hold back a thing!


Another stellar area for Meadowbrook, If you want to get your moneys worth, this place is it.  Your are looking at upwards of an hour, that is rediculously good!

Crowd Control

The bonfire was a great addition, this keeps the crowd down and eliminates what I remember from the past, lines extending across the main road.

Most Memorable Moment

The LARGE alien at the end, very cool looking, very awesome


Meadowbrook is a visual masterpiece of horror!  A lengthy journey through the corn with unbelievable effects.  Fun for the entire family!

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December 26th, 2024 11:04 a.m. CST 24.11.01