Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

A Theater Of Lost Souls Presents: Nightmare Factory Haunt

by majorXpsycho (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 3, 2009 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


A Theater of Lost Souls has always been the black horse of the haunt industry. There is so much potential for A Theater of Lost Souls to be one of the best Haunt attractions in WI and perhaps in the Midwest. This year they have certainly expanded and tapped into some of that potential. The haunt began with a "guided" hay ride explaining the history of the fair grounds. What many people may not understand is that the story is actually true! In 1915 there was a Sanatorium for people who had tuberculosis. People who went to the Sanatorium either had money and could be treated or they had no money and had to suffer and die. While the Sanatorium is gone there are still a few remains. The energy of the spirits that still linger there can be felt while on the Hay Ride (you just have to ignore the giggling children seated next to you). The tour guide did an excellent job of explaining the what occurred in this area. I would have preferred more special effects on the hay ride and maybe a few more actors. Maybe a can of WD40 and the lighter? I know it is so difficult to keep things safe AND scary. They hay ride was a perfect bone chilling, thought provoking start to the Theater of Lost Souls.

We went late, but it appeared that they kept everyone waiting in cattle pens. The Theater of Lost Souls had the perfect combination of old school scares and new fears. The Animatronics were superb, you could not decipher it the body tortured body was human or not. The power of Christ that compells one even got me in the head (I took that message seriously). If you have a fear of spiders ... stay out! The Theater of the Absurd is the best 3d haunt I have been too (and I have been to them all over the US). The painting was so creatively done that you felt as if you should be submitted to an asylum. I even had to take my glasses off at one point in time because I was thought I had lost the ground beneath me. The young lady made us go round and round and half of the group disappeared. There is no better ending to a haunt than that loud roaring sound of a chainsaw ... call it cliche, but it works! I haven't been to many haunts so far this season, but I have a feeling that A Theater of Lost Souls may become a favorite. They have grown so much just in the 3 years that I have been attending. They listen and keep the good scares and get rid of the boring ones. They are very innovative and I can not wait to see NEXT YEAR. (oh and crazy country boy, good luck with your surgery)!

Want to see all the detail that goes into a haunt? Too afraid to go to a haunted house? Have young children? Want to support a good cause?
On OCT 10th A Theater or Lost Souls is having a "lights on" haunt from 2p - 4:30p. It is only $3, and the proceeds go to help the children's hospital. See their website for more information.

Signage / Visibility / Location

There is a Large Billboard when heading South on US 41. If you miss that, its exit 124 on Jackson st. heading West. About half a mile up you will see the entrance to the haunted house along with signs and lights.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We arrived late so we missed out on some of the in line action. It appears that they lock groups inside of cattle pens while waiting. There are plenty of ghouls wandering around. There is also plenty of snacks ranging from carmel apples to hot dogs. I recommend the warm pretzels and cheese. There is also a great photo opportunity with several creepy murals ... keep an eye on the threads if you want to see what our ghoulish picture looks like!

Actors' Performance

The actors were phenomenal. I was concerned because we arrived so late that the actors would be tired and bored, but just the opposite as if the evening brings out their madness. The tour guide did a phenomenal job, we loved the crazy clown, and of course our country boy buddy. I also enjoyed the crazy young lady going round and round! Not a single actor was out of character.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

I can not say enough about the animatronics! They didn't seem fake like most haunted houses, it was grueling. Typically I don't like a lot of animatronics, but A Theater of Lost Souls literally "hit the nail on the head". It was a great balance of old traditional scares and new innovative ones.


The Theater of Lost Souls and The Theater of the Absurd lasted about 28 minutes. The hay ride was about 20 minutes (give or take 5).

Crowd Control

There were a couple points in The Theater of Lost Souls which we started catching up to the group ahead of us, but we just slowed down or a ghoul would block us from exiting.

Most Memorable Moment

The most memorable moment is when our dear friend from Poland (who has never been to a haunted house before) experienced her first chainsaw scare! There is just something about the sound of a chainsaw coming at you that is priceless.


If I could I would give A Theater of Lost Souls a 4+ ... just because a 5 would be perfection!

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March 14th, 2025 12:26 p.m. CDT 24.11.01