
Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.


by scarytimes after attending on Saturday, October 4, 2008 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


The new location is not hard to find, follow directions and your there - easy. Not a long wait and the indoor waiting is nice. The event itself seems like past years, that's not to say that the show isn't is. But the guys a Splatter Haus seem to have hit a bit of a rut with much of their rooms repeating the ideas of past ones. For those who want an intense, full on, haunted house Splatter is your haus. Good show and delivers for the trip and is well worht it...does need a fresh injection of new ideas....Splatter actors deliver in every room and sights and sounds are unlike any other. Good timing, never saw other groups - felt like we were the only ones there. Recomended.


For years Splatter Haus has been dishing out scares for the haunt goer looking for a loud and intense show, this year is no different. If you go expecting this type of show you will not be disappointed. If you go looking for a new and different show you will recognize much from the past. The fun factor is always high but I was forced to lower the fear factor due to the lack of fresh ideas. Still a great show and although Two Rivers is a long trip it is worth it to see a haunt that pulls out all the stops to scare the S*%T out of you.

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December 22nd, 2024 10:32 a.m. CST 24.11.01