
Please note: this review is for the 2008 season rather than the current season.

Terror on Rural Street

by johnny (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 25, 2008 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Terror on Rural Street – worth the money and worth the trip! This is one of my very favorite haunts – every single year! My best goes out to the management of TORS because they make this haunt new and exciting every year!

You will notice new and exciting changes as soon as you arrive, in the form of a new façade at the entrance as well as in the staging area, which is now the entrance to Grandmother’s house. Also, there is a new tale that is told that sets you off on your adventure.

I do not want to spoil anything for you, but I will provide some details. Be sure to keep your eyes open for the organ room – as well as the singing skeleton – “Dead puppies aren’t any fun. . .” I found myself laughing OUTLOUD on that song!

Also, out is the octagon chamber, and in is the “scary-go-round” with the most psychotic, sadistic clowns that you will EVER meet!

Long story short – if you only visit one haunt this year, make sure it is Terror on Rural Street! Not only will you get a GREAT scare and have an AWESOME time, you will also be doing your philanthropical part because you are helping out a non-profit organization.

***NOTE*** this haunt is open on October 31st as well as November 1st! I spoke with management, and they advised me that these days are historically “slow” days in terms of attendance (hello?! That means you don’t wait in line very long!). So, if you want to take advantage of the last days of Halloween as well as avoid some lines, be sure to attend on these days!

Signage / Visibility / Location

I visited Terror on Rural Street on Friday evening, October 6th at around 7:30 PM. The haunt is located in Hartford – it took about 40 minutes to get there from West Allis. It was pretty easy to find using the directions from the website (and on – shameless plug!) as well as some signage directing you to the haunt. Parking was a BREEZE. There is a recreation center next to the haunt and they also share the parking lot. This time, parking was abundant!

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

The waiting/staging area is one of a kind! Of all of the haunts that I have visited, this wait area is my FAVORITE! Not only is this waiting area HEATED, it also provides you with a CONCESSION stand! The night we visited, it was in the 40’s, so going into a heated waiting area (with a couple of scare-actors entertaining the crowd, I might add!) The costuming was very good and VERY well done. I especially liked the undead creature on the stilts!

The process works like this: purchase your tickets (VERY important!), wait until your number is called, and then enjoy!

Actors' Performance

What can I say; the scare-actors have OUTDONE themselves this year! Every actor kept in character and made it their own! From the beginning to the end of the haunt, every scare-actor had performed amazingly!

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

As with every year, management has tried to make every scene and every set as detailed and as memorable as possible. This year is no exception!
The new designs can be seen from the beginning of your tour, with a new façade as well as a new entrance. “Grandmother” will welcome you to her new house! (You’ll see what I mean!)


It took our group approximately 20 to 25 minutes to go through the haunt.

Crowd Control

Crowd control was very well done. From the security personnel with the talkies, to the presence of the sheriff’s department, everything was more than under control.

Most Memorable Moment

The most memorable moment of this haunt was the behind the scene tour that the manager gave us. Most visitor will not receive this tour, however; I feel it necessary to mention this tour as being “most memorable”. I met with Dick (and colleague of his; I am embarrassed to say I forgot his name so please forgive me!) Dick mentioned that he has worked with haunted houses for the past 21 years, and has been with this haunt from the start. The haunt is run by a non-profit group and is staffed SOLEY by volunteers – approximately 70 on a good night – let me say again, volunteers, including Dick himself.

Workers start on this haunt in April and the passion for details shows.

We must give props to everyone involved, including the local businesses that donate food, materials, etc to the volunteers. All of the revenue generated goes right back to the very haunt that you are visiting, so be sure to visit and visit often!


For those of you that suffer from coulrophobia (the fear of clowns), I would rate this a 4-clown haunt, meaning there were 4 clowns present. Happy Hauntings! Johnny

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January 2nd, 2025 1:54 p.m. CST 24.11.01