Please note: this review is for the 2005 season rather than the current season.

by badkittie17 after attending on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at about 3:45 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

The fairgrounds were really easy to spot, but it was past the main entrance gate on hwy 11, look for the hurst and that is the entrance, there are also people directing you which way to go. I came from Racine Co. so we just followed Hwy 11 west all the way and once you went under the freeway bridge it was about 2 miles up the road on the left.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

We waited about an hour which wasn't too bad. It was kind of confusing in the wait area because it wasn't an actual line. There is a girl who comes to get you when its your turn to go in. She was kinda rude though, so just make sure you have your ticket out. There are like 2 bathrooms, and snack stand while you wait.

Most Unique

I really liked the room with the body bags hanging from the ceiling that was intresting. Also the room with all of the skeletons where they all moved.

Actors' Performance

The actors were really good. There were very much into there roles, and their costumes were cool. They got really close to your face and followed you around throughout rooms, which was a little creepy. Especially the guy who wanted my toes.

Appropriate For



I wish the house would've been longer, it seemed so short. It wasn't as scarey as I had hoped either (and I get scared pretty easily). When you first walk into the haunted house I reccomend holding hands. There was 6 of us in a group and the last two got lost 3 times right away and ended up back at the entrance (it was a pitch dark zig zagged room.) Also we intitially went out there with 11 of us in a group and they would only allow a max. of 6 people per group, so keep that in mind.

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March 13th, 2025 3:56 p.m. CDT 24.11.01