Please note: this review is for the 2005 season rather than the current season.

The Corn at Lindners Farm

by frinzer after attending on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at about 5:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Low


Signage / Visibility / Location

Easy to find. Milwaukee area.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

No ticket/number system, you have to wait in line. We did not wait long. There is no entertainment in line.

Most Unique

Length. Large number of scenes within the corn maze.

Actors' Performance

Big disappointment. Zero intensity. The security guards scarier than the actors. There should be more actors and less security. The secuity guards should at least be disguised. We were the last group of the night to go through and we had about 20 actors, minus their masks, following closely behind us and talking loudly. This ruined our experience. If they were in such a big hurry to leave, they could have at least stayed in character while following us out of the maze. That would have have been really creepy! Even though we were last, we paid the full amoun1t and deserve the full experience

Appropriate For



The opening scene was the scariest part. Better use of the space could have easily made it more terrifying. It could be used as an "on deck" area for multiple groups. That would be a frightening prelude to the maze.

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March 15th, 2025 12:01 a.m. CDT 24.11.01