Please note: this review is for the 2004 season rather than the current season.

Burial Chamber Haunted House Complex

by tw1sted_dr3ams after attending on Friday, October 1, 2004 at about 4:45 p.m.

Fun Factor: Medium Fear Factor: Medium


Signage / Visibility / Location

It was easy to find and easy to get there, and parking was not a problem

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

the indoor wait area is small, for entertainment there was a guy with bloody face and worn out clothes trying to scare you, it was the first night it was open so not a lot of people went


we didn't wait at all, we got there bought ticket and got in, it was the first nigth it was open, the whole event took about 15 min.

Actors' Performance

they were fairly good, one better than other ones, but it was worth the money

Appropriate For

for over 12 or 13


It was pretty much the same concept than last years, so kind of expect the same stuff from last year

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March 14th, 2025 12:34 p.m. CDT 24.11.01