
Newbie Review Crew Member

Ryan (Dr_Caligari)

Photo of Ryan

Previous Reviews: 2010 | 2009 | 2008

2009 Reviews

Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Fright Factory

by Dr_Caligari (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at about 5 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


At Hyatt Street in Janesville, rusty fences and decrepit walls greet the unwary visitor to this haunt. There is a stillness which seems somewhat unnatural...

The scene that greets the unwary visitor here does little to warn them about the wild ride they will soon take. Soon they will be crashing around this old factory, trying to avoid some of the less-savory residents that have refused to leave and now call it home.

This is one of the better haunted houses this year. You are thrown into a bizzare mixture for the senses wherein thngs may pop up from just about anywhere-and I mean anywhere.

All protections and comforts normally afforded to one at a regular haunted house are non-existant here. The comfort of a clearly discernable path, any chance to collect your thoughts, and even the fellowship of one's friends is lost in this bizzare attraction.

Signage / Visibility / Location

This is a fairly visible location, once you are nearby. My internet directions took me up and down a number little streets(probably unnecessarily) in Janesville, but I found it with little difficulty when I was in the vicinity of it. Just keep your eyes open for the huge, lit-up old factory building.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

You have to wait in a line, but the full wait was averaging around 30 minutes the night I went, which was much better than other haunted houses that I have recently gone to.

Actors' Performance

Overall, the performances were top-notch. There is a very quick tempo and pace to this place, which is faster than some other area haunted houses. Most of the preformances here are quick and sweet, which are all part of the atmosphere created by this haunts creators.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

I would hate to repeat the comments of others here. The setting is used well and help facilitate the scenes that are created here. So, your not going to find any home-like scenes with gentle ghosts at this place. Freddy Kruger look-alikes chasing you through old factory hall-ways and beings trudging through bloody meat lockers are what haunt here.

The effects here are top-notch, yet they are not over done. They never take away from the experiance.

The narrowness to the hallways also helps create a sense of claustrophobia and plays with your senses, as does any number of additional items. Here you are taken to the limits.


For me, it took 45 minutes, though, I am sure, it could be very flexible(from 30 minutes to an hour-depending on how fast you can find your way through the maze).

Crowd Control

I saw no issue with the way that they were handling the pace during my time through the factory.

Most Memorable Moment

With the technical arrangement of the scene, my favorite scene would have to be the creepy meatlocker. It's a fully interactive scene to be sure. Though, when talking about most memorable scene, it would have to have been when the effects in a Fortune Teller scene scared a girl in my group so much that she literally fell to the ground. Due to the fact that she had a death grip on my jacket, this caused me to go sprawling on the ground too. Good Job, Guys.


Overall, a very enjoyable experiance. This is probably amongst the best I have seen this year. It's an intelligent, well-thought out haunt that utilizes it's surroundings and just about anything to create a head-pounding, extreme experiance. This isn't a place for those who do not want to get scared and will even test the wits of a jaded haunted attraction attendee.

View all Fright Factory reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

The Dark Side Haunted Adventure

by Dr_Caligari (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 23, 2009 at about 2 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Low


A rather unpleasant, moody night set the the tone for this horrifying adventure through a Southeastern Wisconsin Farm. Glacier Rock Farms, normally a petting zoo, takes a sinister atmosphere after dark.

They first send you through a haunted mine. This is one of the neater haunted experiances this year. Seeming like a real mine, you are sent down a mine shaft and through a cave populated only by the spirits of departed. Things pop up and out all over sending you yet further on.

Your carriage awaits you after freeing yourself from the mine. You find yourself going through a forest populated with all sorts of fire-breathing ghouls and shadowy ghosts.

This section of our adventure provided me with the very real fear that we really were not going to make it back out. The mud on the paths was deep and my trust in the tractor taking us back into the woods was not terribly strong at times. We did make it through safely and without too much issue.

Then you are left out in the woods and must make your way back along a path in the woods. Many demons are encountered along the way. At the edge of the woods you find yourself making your way through the corn. The corn seems to move on it's own and it seems as though something is there in the fields with you...Or is it all your imagination?

I enjoyed my time at Glacier Rock Farm. The weather really was not ideal for this event, though the individuals whom run it put a lot of effort into still making it an experiance to remember for those whom attend.

Like I mentioned, I was worried that their tractor would not make it down the paths it was supposed to go on. I was also worried, due to the fact that the mud made the walking paths nearly impossible to go down without slipping. Having to be as worried as I was about my footing really took away a lot of enjoyment that I could have had going through it.

I am deeply appreciative to the staff and all that make this event possible even in harsh conditions.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The signage to the starting point for this haunted adventure was fairly decent. Do know, though, that once you turn onto Hoard Road, you will be going a ways. My directions off the internet didn't seem to provide for the fact that you go that far back and a few times I had thought I had must have gone too far.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Due to the weather on the night I attended, the wait was almost non-existant, though we did wait for enough people to show up to make it worth their while to send us back on the farm.

Actors' Performance

They did an A+ job for the conditions that they were presented with. Most of them were colder and more wet then those of us in attendance. I give them credit for the energy they had.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The Dark Side is not the most technically advanced adventure. They


Comprising, in all, a haunted house, a haunted hayride, and a haunted corn maze, this event is one of the longer haunted events in the area. It might be too long for some, but I enjoyed myself.

Crowd Control

There were not enough people(due to the weather) to make this an issue.

Most Memorable Moment

Creeping into an old hunting shack in the woods can never lead to good things in October...


This is a fun mixture for anybody that enjoys being scared. This event is populated by quite a number of dedicated haunters.

View all The Dark Side Haunted Adventure reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2009 season rather than the current season.

Hubertus House of Horror

by Dr_Caligari (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 16, 2009 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


In the small town of Hubertus, there is something unsettling finding it's way into an old abandoned house in the middle of town. You are given a ride to this house and you are given the chance to tour it.

Undoubtably one of the older haunted houses in this area, this house again gives a stellar performance. Those who lurk within it are veteran ghouls and goblins (also don't forget the clowns....did I just hear laughter behind me?!). The attraction that they put together could be one of the best that I have seen them have.

One of the neatest things about the experiance is the building itself. It is a genuine old house. It adds a touch of authenticity that you can't build into a set. It a particularly notable example of this, one of the members of my group got all freaked out when he noticed that the spider webs on the stairs going down to the basement were real and not fake.

Once in the basement, you get all the authentic smell of damp earth and mustiness that really does exist. This makes the scares in this area particularly poignant.

One thing of note: This year they have one of the best 3D areas I have ever seen in a haunted house. The basic reason for this is that they actually do a lot with it. I have been in a number of haunted houses where a 3D area is just a little walk through their little 3D world. In this haunted house, there are actually some good solid scares that are hidden in the area. The 3D actually augments it and is not just a distraction.

The only problem with the scene is that it left many in our group wondering when we were supposed to take the glasses off. If you go, don't worry about this, they will collect the glasses when you are done. Just enjoy.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Hubertus itself can be hard to find, but if you can find Hubertus, it is easy to find the haunted house. Their signage is good, but all you have to do is look for the direction everybody in town seems to be headed.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have a nice waiting area. It's in a school gym and it provides for plenty area for one to wait while waiting for the house. The wait time the night I went seemed to be around 45 minutes, but expect that it will get longer in the 2 weekends immediatly prior to Halloween. Don't worry about the wait, though, as you have plenty of arcade games and even an old horror movie being projected onto a screen in the back of the gym.

Actors' Performance

There were many spirited actors in the haunted house this year, as always. They were energetic and enjoyable. This haunted house thrives on getting a mixture of extreme scares, macabre humor, and shock. The actors here do not hesitate in getting in your face and often times flow as part of the group.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Though not the most elaborate haunted house as far as style, but the effects they use are ahead of the game. There is a lot of computer generated imagery and quite a large retinue of animatronics. They also have a large quantity of interactive scares. The only problem with this, though, is that it should be seamlessly be integrated into the scenes. This is a chronic issue with almost all the haunted houses this year. If it isn't seamless, it should be placed in the background, it shouldn't be the focal point for a scene. That being said, they are ahead of the game on integrating some effects into their haunted house. I think it is really neat and can't wait to see what they have next year.


It is a relatively average length haunted house, but they pack a lot into that time. Their is a lot of time given for interaction, which makes the haunted house seem much longer than it really must be.

Crowd Control

It wasn't hugely crowded the night I went. I didn't see any issues with the crowds at the event.

Most Memorable Moment

Unseen dogs can be really scary!


Overall, a good, creative haunted house. They utilize a lot of different methods to frighten you. They have simply the best 3D work I have seen in any haunted house. Definitly a solid performing haunted house

View all Hubertus House of Horror reviews

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October 22nd, 2024 9:21 p.m. CDT 24.19