
Newbie Review Crew Member

Dave (Dave_to_the_Grind)

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Previous Reviews: 2013 | 2012 | 2011

2012 Reviews

Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

Fright Factory

by Dave_to_the_Grind (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at about 2:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


This was my first time at the Fright Factory and I wasn't sure what to expect. Quiet roads lead us to a building that didn't even seem occupied. My wife felt it was creepy before we walked in. Just how a haunt should start.

The ticket booth and line was in a big room inside the building. It was the first time I saw how many people were there. It seemed empty from the outside but had an impressive turnout on a Sunday night.

We were sent in with a group of teenage girls, which added to the fun as we heard their terrified screams. We started out with a video explaining the rules. A nice touch that most haunts do not have. The video ended with an expected scary surprise, which continued into the haunt.

The Fear Factory had a lot of terrific sets and themes. Some of the best I've seen this year. What was really cool is they had a few moving sets. Such as moving floors, walls and other objects to create an effect. These effects took you to many different scenes like the morgue, a witches creepy garden and, my favorite, a pirate ship!

The actors did a convincing job playing their characters. Many startled you when you weren't expecting it. Every room we walked through brought out a scream from the group. My wife actually started to feel panicked at one point when were in the pitch black trying to navigate through a dark "sea."

The Fright Factory was a really cool haunt with a unique lay out. If you're out in the Janesville area I'd highly recommend checking it out. It was filled with plenty of screams, terrific acting and highly entertaining.

Signage / Visibility / Location

They could use a bigger sign out front since we almost didn't see it.  In fact, I didn't see it but my wife did. I wasn't totally sure it was the right place at first. Though it did add an effect that we were out on our own and lost. 

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

They have an indoor line waiting area. There wasn't any line entertainment the night I was there.

Actors' Performance

The actors were excellent, their characters were solid and believable. 

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets and props were some of the most memorable I've been to this year. Not only were they realistic, they added an element of movement in several rooms that you don't see at haunts. It kept you on your toes.


About 15 minutes

Crowd Control

We never ran into other groups. They had rooms and hallways that you would re-enter at another point and we didn't see anyone. In fact sometimes the actors would react to us again. The timing was excellent.

Most Memorable Moment

My favorite scene was a pirate ship we walked on. The floor moved back and forth with the sea. We had to crouch under the sails to move across the deck. It was a very cool and detailed set, all the way to the plank……


I really enjoyed to the Fright Factory and would love to go again next year. The sets, scenes and acting were fantastic. We were sent in all kinds of creative worlds with great care and detail. My ears were ringing from all the screaming in our group, a good sign of a great haunt.

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Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

Mars Haunted House - CLOSED-

by Dave_to_the_Grind (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 19, 2012 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


What's the best thing to do when you're ready to go to a haunt? How about go to an actual haunted house. Which is what Mars Haunted House claims to be and has been confirmed by professionals.  If you believe it or not it adds an additional feeling of fright and discomfort as you walk in. Add in the scares, Mars has been a must hit for me during the Halloween season. The fun starts from the moment you get in line until you walk out onto the street.

Pulling up to Mars we could see the outdoor waiting line wrapping around the building. This can seem disheartening, but the line entertainment passes the time with scary/amusing tactics. This year a punk rock clown, who was proficient at sliding across the sidewalk on his knees, was there to creep you out. Along with a big scary guy who kept looking for his girl. A tiny woman in a white dress who was tethered with a line to her wrist. She didn't say a word, just stare on the ground and walk when lead. Though she'd get loose and walk off when she could. They kept everyone entertained and I never saw so many teenagers run up the side walk screaming. 

Once it's your time, your led into the building and up the creaking stairs. It's dark and erie. The thoughts of this being a REAL haunted building creeps into your mind. A feeling that doesn't leave you while on this haunt. Somehow, the little quiet girl from the waiting line was at the top of the stairs. She stood there, timid as usual while we heard the rules. Once we entered she let an awesome shrill kicking off our haunt.

The haunt itself is dimly lit, tight hallways with frights around every corner. Walking through cobwebs and heads hanging from the ceiling. Touching creepy and gross objects is one thing, but Mars also assaults other senses. Such as the lights that assault your eyes,  sounds that make the haunted rooms feel real. The haunt had a smell to it as well that we couldn't figure out. Old building? Maybe. Death? Perhaps.

The construction and props were very lifelike and the settings were awesome. The actors did a great job of playing their roles, jumping out when you weren't expecting it or just staring at you. The only negative we had was when we caught up to the group ahead of us. I thought they did a great job of separating groups by having you pay before you head in, which acts like as a good time buffer. The actors did all they could trying to get the other group to move on without breaking character.

Even with catching up to the group we entered into some great experiences with lights and dark. Such as a pitch black room with nothing but red glowing eyes of faces. You had the feeling that one, or some, maybe all of them were real people. I couldn't figure it out and was a great feeling!

This is my third year hitting Mars and I haven't been disappointed yet. The sets are realistic, acting is solid and the frights are aplenty. I'll be back next year.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Easy to find with a simple address. All the people outside made it a dead giveaway.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Outdoor waiting on the sidewalk so if it's cold out, dress appropriately. Bathrooms are available outside. The entertainment while waiting was my favorite of all the haunts this year. They'll startle and entertain, it made the wait fly by. 

Actors' Performance

The performance was solid. They did a great job of jumping out at you, or just starring as you went by. You could tell they were experienced.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The set construction was awesome and very realistic. They excelled at using lights and sound to make the haunt realistic. They also were great as distracting you from what was coming. 


About 15-20 minutes

Crowd Control

We ran into the group ahead of us, which was disappointing. The actors tried their best to move them along and slow down other groups. 

Most Memorable Moment

When I walked down a dark long room and was blasted by bright red lights. At first we all commented how cool it was but then it messed with my senses. Walking into the next room I felt like I was completely at the mercy of the haunt.


Overall this was an excellent haunt and it never disappoints. Plenty of screams and jumps from the people walking through. It's a staple for experienced haunt goers and a terrific fright for novices.

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Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

House of Bathory (CLOSED)

by Dave_to_the_Grind (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 12, 2012 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Very High


Another halloween season another new theme for the House of Bathory located in Manitowoc. Last year I found this haunt to be my most memorable and favorite stop last year. So I was excited to make another trip to the House of Bathory, especially when with this year's new Steven King theme. It proved to be worth the trip again with another masterpiece of fright.

New to this season along with the theme is indoor waiting. No more waiting out on the street corner. So if you're familiar with this haunt, don't mistake the lack of a crowd out front as a slow night or that it's not open. Just follow the sign and head around the corner. I was able to get in right away with no wait so I didn't see the waiting area.

When it's your time, you are brought in and given the rules. This haunt allows  touching, this is a cool feature that no other haunt we've been to has. You aren't grabbed or touched in any threatening or inappropriate way. Though an actor may yell and bump into your arm or someone will lightly touch your shoulder. It adds a realistic touch. Once you're given a lowdown. You head up the stairs, past the creepy portraits and into a world you will not forget.

Immediately you're taken into your first scene and enjoy the terrific acting the House of Bathory offers. The characters are unique from other haunts and have an excellent dialog that follows the situation you are put into. Remember, this year they have the Stephen King theme, so each room brings you into a novel of King's imagination. I left the haunt wishing I had read some of them prior to going. Though I did recognize some characters such as the crazy nurse from Misery and, of course, the creepy clown from IT.

Each scene offers a great setting with care to detail. Bringing the scene to life is the terrific characters and their dialog. What always strikes me with the House of Bathory is the terrific performance they get out of children actors. I was taken in by the teenage actors, as you will find out in the scene taken from Carrie.

Since it's from Stephen King there's plenty of fright. I wish I could go into detail of the scenes but I don't want to ruin the surprises. My wife has always been my gauge of how scary a haunt is. We were sent through a situation where we could not see and as we kept moving forward it became harder to get through without almost crawling.  The ending to this situation was so good that  she had tears in her eyes and was truly frightened. At the end of the haunt my wife, and the teenage girl we went through with, both ran flying past me into the street screaming. A tell tale sign of a good haunt.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The House of Bathory is located on a street in downtown Manitowoc which is easy to find with a big sign and setting in a storefront window.

Actors' Performance

Top notch and the best you'll find. The scripts are written by Dead by Dawn herself and performed perfectly by their hand selected actors.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The sets and props were arranged well to create the surroundings of the scene they were taking you into. It felt like you were inside a real horror movie.


You walk through an actual house, which encompasses three floors. It takes about 20 minutes to walk through.

Most Memorable Moment

We found ourselves talking about a few moments and experiences after we left. I think the most memorable was the opening scene when you're first brought in. You enter a shop where the actor has you take a seat, asking you how much you'd pay for a dream. It's based on the King novel Needful Things. They added a twist I didn't see coming and kicked off the haunt in spectacular fashion.


Last season this was my favorite haunt, this year again it's so far the best we've hit. The acting is the best you'll find and the creative worlds we were sent through were just amazing. The frights were very unique and it goes beyond  the usual actors jumping and yelling to startle you. The House of Bathory takes you into a world that will make your skin crawl.

View all House of Bathory (CLOSED) reviews

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Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

Abandoned Haunted House Complex

by Dave_to_the_Grind (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Friday, October 5, 2012 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: Medium


2 years in the making. Their first year. Opening night. We were excited and expectations were high even before we arrived. Luckily we weren't disappointed with one of Wisconsin's newest haunts. Spotlights and neon lights make the Complex easy to see from a distance, like a haunted house in Vegas. 

The Abandoned Haunted Complex is created from a large structure and is home to two haunts, Ambush and Hysteria.  The haunts are connected and you leave one and head straight into the other. So it feels like one long seamless haunt, with two different experiences.  The haunt as a whole moves at a good pace as you enter  different rooms, themes and frights.  Using amazing detail with the building of the sets, props, lights and sound. I found myself swiveling my head looking at the props and settings of every room we entered in awe. Leaving myself open for surprises.

The Hysteria  proved to be part of the haunt that focused more on playing with your senses. Which  pretty much tried to assault every sense except the sense of smell. Including touch as something as simple as  little ropes hanging from the ceiling that gave you a feeling of walking through cobwebs. They did a beautiful job of not only having detailed settings, but the use of lights and sounds. The room that affected me the most had walls covered with black and white squares with the lights flashing. Actors and dummies stood in the room and you couldn't tell which was a real person as even the dummies felt like they were moving. The lights caused such optical movement that I couldn't walk straight. It was an awesome affect.  The Hysteria was an excitingly different from your usual haunts, with new tricks.

The Ambush portion brought you into more creepy situations in excellent detail. This haunt enjoyed to startle you along the way. The props and the detail they put into creating the sets was amazing. It worked against you as you were busy checking out a tomb, a morgue or a butcher shop and actor was hiding somewhere to startle you. Hence the name Ambush. Even as you wandered into a battle field, a gun nailed you with a blast of air to keep you on your toes as if the battle sounds weren't enough. The most memorable part was the walking around a hospital. Where you walk around the outside before heading inside. It was just amazing to see a creepy building exterior while you are inside a complex.  I heard constant comments of "oh wow" from members of our group throughout this haunt. It was quite an experience.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Very easy to find since you can see it from the freeway, just look for the spotlight. 

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Waiting area had refreshments for sale and was outdoor. Line entertainment had two actors ready to interact and creep you out. The clown (who I've seen at the Mars haunt) made sure to talk to and disturb you. The other actor was great at disappearing, then popping out to make you jump.

Actors' Performance

The make up, professionalism and effort given was great. They all fit the setting they were in. The ones with speaking and interactive rolls did a solid job. If there was one area I felt needed work was more speaking or active rolls. Many were there to scare you from a hidden spot when you entered a room.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

Not much to say but top notch. Best I've seen yet. No detail was spared, what ever setting you walked into, you felt like you were in that world.  Members of my group  were constantly pointing out stuff that impressed he or she as they walked into a new area.


It took us about 35-40 minutes to walk through the whole complex.

Crowd Control

 Very professional parking arrangement with people giving you direction, the exit was as separate drive so traffic could flow.  It wasn't crowded when we got there. Though they had ropes set up to help with lines to buy tickets and to wait to get in the haunt.

Most Memorable Moment

The man who kept trying to sell me a casket. Just when you thought you were getting away from him you somehow ended back in his sales room.  I still didn't want a casket!


This was an impressive haunt that lives up to the billing. A lot of effort went into the complex and it shows. Excellent props,  terrific settings, awesome effects and characters with scares around every corner. It's basically two haunted houses in one and I was able to get in for $18 a person with an online discount. Making it a great deal for the length. If you're looking for one haunt this year, or a haunt veteran looking for something different, give this haunt a shot. 

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Please note: this review is for the 2012 season rather than the current season.

The Haunted Barn Stoughton (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)

by Dave_to_the_Grind (Newbie Review Crew Member) after attending on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at about 3 p.m.

Fun Factor: Very High Fear Factor: High


What feels like a night drive in the middle of nowhere, leads you to a farmhouse. Your drive past the house is crossed by cats that dare you to enter. Your journey ends at the Haunted Barn, a must hit
this Halloween season.

It feels like you're trespassing until you find the parking area. A friendly staff and the smell of food cooking greet you at the ticket booth. The haunt costs $13, which is well worth it for a haunt this long.

Beetlejuice keeps you entertained while you wait to enter, which wasn't long, the night I dared to
go. The wait area is outside and offers food and refreshments to purchase while you wait. It is a fun atmosphere outside the barn.

Once taken into the haunted barn you are given a low down on the rules and sent on your way. This haunt paid attention to the details. The decorations and props were excellent. This haunt has taken great care in creating the atmosphere fitting for a spooky haunt. There were many original and very creative situations, like the man who had an issue with his outhouse. I helped him find the issue, but you'll have to find out what was for yourself. You make it through more scares and a maze that
is very confusing. Once you make your way through, you are outside for the haunted woods.

A lighted path shows you the way up a small hill to a graveyard and a couple of creepy girls hold you up or an odd conversation. The rest of the woods will have you on your toes as you head back to the barn. The thrills in the barn the second around are more intense and was our favorite part of the haunt. The actors made sure your last steps were in your face.

Overall, I really enjoyed this haunt. It lasted 20-25 minutes, which is a deal for the price. The props and decorations were great and took you into the world of a haunted barn and some many odd situations. The outdoor portion could have used a few more scares but it worked as a break before being sent back in. The actors put on a star performance, I was impressed with the child actors in this haunt. All of the actors did an excellent job of interacting with us and slowing us down when we were getting close to the group ahead. The Haunted Barn was a just the start we needed to the
Halloween season.

Signage / Visibility / Location

The Haunted Barn is easy to find with MapQuest directions. A lighted sign lets you know you've found it.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

Wait area is outdoor with shelter available. Food and beverages are available for sale.

Actors' Performance

Fantastic from the adults down to the children. They seemed to have a lot of child actors and they all did a great job.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

The props used were all of great quality and the scenes were excellently detailed. They did a great job of taking you into a haunted barn world.


The length was 20-25 minutes.

Most Memorable Moment

One of my favorite parts of the haunt was a creepy child who quietly walked up to my wife
offering her a beat up stuffed animal. When she reached for it the actor let out the greatest/loudest shrill I've heard in a haunt. We could still hear her after we went into another room of the haunt.


The Haunted Barn was a great start to the Halloween season. The location and setting gave you the feeling of trespassing on an old farm. The haunt kept that feeling going as you were taking into a world of an actual haunted barn. The props were very detailed and created a spooky atmosphere. The actors all gave a great effort to scare you as well as keep you from running into another group. The outdoor portion sandwiched in the middle was terrific in giving you another creepy experience before being sent back into the barn for more frights. So it felt like 3 haunts in one, making it a great experience and value!

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October 22nd, 2024 9:19 p.m. CDT 24.19